This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
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TRAVEL CHANNEL - 2 Male actors (Chinatown, Portland)
The Travel Channel will be shooting a special on the Portland Shanghai Tunnels. They are shooting Friday beneath the city streets in Chinatown in the actual Shanghai Tunnels, where portions of the movie BLOODLUST were shot ( for more info).
They have several volunteers for some brief reinactments to sutaway to during their descriptions of the tunnels' history, but are looking for 2 more male actors (ideally 20-30).
Shooting will begin this Friday at 1:45. They will have all extras done within 1-2 hrs.
There is no pay for the actors in these short reinactments, but here are also no lines, the shoot will take very little of your time, you will get screen credit and its for a nationally broadcast program on TV/internet. Also, one of the people appearing in the program works with the BLOODLUST director and if you do well you will be recommended for future paid work. The Travel Channel is in town from NY but they would also provide valuable networking opportunities. Also, if you are a photographer, this is a great way to gain access to the famed tunnels and take pictures first hand of places few people get to see in person.
If interested, you will need to send your contact info ASAP to be considered. The shoot is THIS Friday.
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Source: Craigslist
Part-time Choir Director (Bethany Area)
Choir Director Opening
St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church is seeking a part-time Choir Director to begin in the fall of 2011.
The choir director will work collegially with the organist/music director who also directs
the hand bell choir. Both positions report to the Vicar.
St. Gabriel's is a transitional size church, with a part-time adult choir made up of
dedicated volunteers. The choir holds weekly rehearsals on Thursday evenings and sings
during the 10:00 Sunday service twice per month.
Reply to: David at 503 572 1209

Ongoing webseries host - Female 18-25
Looking to cast a female host of an ongoing webseries in development. You must have on camera skills and loads and loads of charisma and have a look of 18-25 years old. Bonus if you know about screen printing or have done screen printing before since this webseries is focused on the screen printing industry. We will film 2 or 3 days a month, $100 per day. As the host you will do a variety of tasks including interviews. Lost of straight to camera stuff so you have to be able to connect with the audience. Submit headshot, resume and reel if possible. Again this will be ongoing as we build our audience so if you plan to leave town in the next 6 months please don't submit.
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Source: Craigslist
Male Child Actor wanted for Leading role in Film (Portland)
We are 2 directors looking for a leading role for a full-length motion picture (Working title: "Becoming"). Seeking a male child actor, between the ages of 9-12. Must be physically fit, outgoing and personable. This is a full movie, not a short film. The youth's character is the main character of the first half of the film. A basic summary of the boy's story: This is a grand love story (his parents), a boy's life on a farm. He is being raised to be a hard-worker, to have morals, etc. But his Father is perhaps too hard on him while raising him. The boy's Father is secretly a genius and has a cybernetics laboratory for healing paralyzed people, the boy is also secretly a genius with computers. In the end, the boy creates a tug-of-war between his parents, and finally divorce results. (Later in the film, the boy is shown grown up, and he in his final scene is revealed to have been destined to be a "superhero" of sorts). This role will involve strong acting, personality, green screen work, special effects. We are slated to film this in the end of August/Early September. The boy will initially have more scenes and therefore time commitments than most of the other actors. It would be best for all involved probably to try and take advantage of summer vacation time availability. This is volunteer work, no compensation available (it was all invested in pre-production)- But you will receive a full screen credit and IMDB listing. We will need and expect a strong degree of commitment and reliability. Due to this actor being a minor: We expect and need one parent to be present at most times. (Please do not bring the entire family along to the set!). (One of us is a parent of a 9-year old, so we are fully understanding and considerate of any concerns you may have). This will be a rare, enriching opportunity for your child, and memories of a lifetime will result. This will be great for their acting resume. This film has received and will receive every advantage, and will also be submitted to Cannes, Sundance, etc. We will only be seeking distribution from Hollywood, and that is the strongest position to be in. We have spent almost 5 years on this production from the script to the world-class props, and will be filming with top equipment. This is a great opportunity, and one you will be glad you were involved in. Please send headshot photos and/or reel footage (or links to it) of your child's work. If you know any other actors that might not fit this role, please also have them contact us. This will have a large, ensemble cast and we are casting currently for many roles. cDark Productions
(Please, no more submissions from girls! We have no girl child roles)
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Source: Craigslist
Looking for a few actors for a commercial film project. Must be available Thursday and Friday, August 4th & 5th. Although it might be just one of those days. What we want:
Real, approachable, grounded, optimistic, expressive. People with a smile in their eyes. Unique features, not perfect. Think Northern California, not Southern California.
People who like to hike, kayak, cross country ski, surf, ocean swim (particularly older folks), travelers, international transplants, dog owners, bike commuters.
Health food and healing arts folks, people who work at REI or outdoor specialty stores. Parents who choose to walk their kids to school, not pile in the SUV for a six block drive.
People who own fleece, shop at farmer's markets and own camping gear. Age range late 20s to mid 40s.
If you are interested, please send me a head shot (photo) of you and a full body shot, your availability, and tell me a little bit about your self as it pertains to the above. Please respond via email to Matt. Compensation would be $300 / day.
Thank you!
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Source: Craigslist
Males 20's to 60's needed for commericial - urgent
Local production company is producing a short, silent video, and needs to cast two actors to play father and son inventors in the early 1900’s. The father should be in his 50’s or early 60s and the son in his mid 20s, both healthy, middle to upper class gentlemen. It will be a one-day shoot- currently scheduled for Wednesday, August 10th. Pay is $300 flat for the shoot day (plus a bump for a fitting).
We’re eager to get our cast in place, so please email at earliest convenience
Reply to: If you’re interested, match the description, and are available on 8/10, please email your contact info and headshot to:
Source: PDX Backstage