Promote your project. What are you working on now? Do you have a trailer, a facebook page, a website? Post it in the chat box for everyone to see.
Continue to create your own topics of discussion, as well. Share those networking events you are planning to attend, any film premieres you have on the calendar, and any other exciting plans to stay involved with the acting community.
As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.
Looking for female 19-24 to star in a small indie film
looking for a female 19-24 to star in an indie film on cannon beach. Im sorry, because we are a very small operation we cannot offer you pay, but we will give you imdb credit as well as help pay some of your expenses on your way down to cannon beach. Please send a head shot and a couple of full body shots as well as list any sort of acting expirience you may have. We will be looking for actresses to shoot towards the end of june, so please send us the requested information as soon as possible if you are interested!
BTW the movie is about two young men making their way down to san diego to meet their friend who has disappeared after their highschool graduation
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Source: Craigslist
Casting Call for Web Sitcom - Males/Females 18-65 (SE Portland)
We are holding an open casting call / meet and greet for a locally produced online sitcom to be filmed between July -- October of this year. With a cast of 80+ speaking roles there are parts available for actors/comedians/ models of all ages/genders/ethnicities.
(If you show up to this thing, the odds are you'll be cast as something.)
(The odds are you won't be getting paid for that role [with few exceptions] but there will be many breakfast tacos and sweaty "thank you" hugs in your future.)
(The hugs are optional. . . the tacos are not.)
We are holding "auditions" at THE LUXURY MOTORS WAREHOUSE (526 SE 6th Ave, Portland, OR) on Sunday, June 19th at 7pm. Contact us with any questions you may have about the project, meeting, or vegetarian alternatives beforehand.
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Source: Craigslist
New Community Theatre Forming (Tigard & Tualatin)
There will be an Informational / Recruitment Meeting in the Community Room of the Tualatin Public Library
6:30 -- 8:30 PM
Monday, June 20th
Mask & Mirror Community Theatre Recruiting Members
Mask & Mirror is a new Community Theatre forming in the cities of Tigard and Tualatin. It is a membership based, all-volunteer (i.e. unpaid) Community Theatre open to anyone. We will be performing in a yet to be determined venue within Tigard or Tualatin. We will also be holding public play readings in the Tigard and Tualatin Public Libraries, and we will be Stage Managing the Community Stage at the June 24th-26th Festival of Balloons in Tigard.
We are looking for readers for the play reading program, actors, crew and administrators / fundraisers. Please join us. Experience is not necessary. Part of the Community Theatre experience is the education of anyone who wants to participate on or off the stage.
Contact by email for more information, or if you can't attend the June 20th meeting.
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Source: Craigslist
Male / Female Fit Models for this Sat (Sherwood Forest)
We need to contract a tall, athletic guy and medium height athletic girl for this Saturday, June 18th from 8:30am - 12:30pm to wear branded apparel and distribute promotional materials at the Mud Run event in Sherwood. Very cool brand and exciting event to be a part of.
Must be extremely reliable and outgoing. Please send photos (head shot and body shots) and resume for consideration. Include Mud Run 6/28 in Subject Line
Male must be 6' - 6'3 and female @ 5'9" with runner / athletic body and healthy lifestyle...
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Source: Craigslist
Stage Production Coordinator

The University of Oregon Erb Memorial Union invites applications for Stage Production Coordinator. There are two part-time (.6 FTE) positions vacant. The event-driven nature of the work requires employees to maintain a flexible schedule from week-to-week, including many evening and weekend shifts.
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Source: PDX Backstage