What inspires you and motivates you to keep going in what can sometimes be a very challenging industry? In a field with lots of rejection, it can be challenging to stay positive and strong, but sometimes our passion alone drives us through.
What keeps you inspired and motivated? Do you have a mantra that you say before every show or before that close up shot? Do you have have a book that you read that helps you feel grounded and confident? Maybe staying in the social scene or taking classes does the trick?
Share with the community what you do to continue to motivate yourself to keep going and stay positive in an industry that can easily break someone's confidence.
As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.
Auditions – Oregon Children’s Theatre
Oregon Children's Theatre is holding auditions by appointment for two adult actors of color to play multiple roles in the upcoming production of "Locomotion" the Play by Jacqueline Woodson, directed by Lava Alapai.
"Lonnie's mama named him after the 1970s dance hit "Locomotion," but she isn't around anymore. His teacher, Ms. Marcus, is teaching his class about poetry. As he fills the pages of his notebook with haikus, sonnets, and words-written-quickly-so-that-they-don't-escape, we learn about his foster mother Ms. Edna, his beloved little sister Lili, and the heartbreak of loss.
Presented in lyrical spoken word that is both poignant and humorous.."
Character Breakdown:
Actor One (Male) -- This actor will play three speaking roles including:
Enrique --American, age 12, half Puerto Rican, half black, accent only when using Spanish words. Repeated third grade because of absences due to illnesses.
Daddy --Af-Am, 40ish
Agency Man -- Af-Am, 30s
Actor Two (Female) – This actor will play four roles and should be racially ambiguous – could be black, Latin or white depending on who's looking and how.
Ms Marcus -- Lonnie's Teacher –late 20s and fresh out of Teacher's College
Miss Edna -- Lonnie's foster mom- Af-Am,—mid-fifties
Lili --Lonnie's sister, age 8
Mama -- late 30s
Please prepare one monologue 2 minutes in length and bring a headshot/resume to the audition. Roles are paid and non-Equity. To schedule an appointment please email kira@octc.org.
Auditions: Saturday, July 16, 10:00am - 12:00pm.
Rehearsals begin January 16, 2012 (Weekday evenings & Sundays).
Shows are weekday mornings and weekend matinees from February 25- March 18, 2012.
Kira Lombardozzi
Production Manager
Oregon Children's Theatre
Reply to: If you have questions or to schedule, please email kira@octc.org.
Source: PDX Backstage
Seeking Costume Designer
Public House Theatre Company seeks a creative, reliable costume designer to join the production team for "To Kill a Mockingbird." This unique production will be directed by Ted deChatelet and will be brought to life at CoHo Theater in NW Portland. Meetings and rehearsals run through August, and the show runs September 9 – October 1. The costume designer will design and purchase, borrow or create all costumes. A stipend will be provided. This is a great way to find out more about "The Pub" and get to know our talented team! Questions may be directed to Jolin at 503-922-0532.
Reply to: Interested parties should send a statement of interest, a resume and references to jolin@publichousetheatre.org.
Source: PDX Backstage
Auditions for Tears of Joy Theatre
Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre will be holding auditions for actor/puppeteers for its 2011-12 touring season. These positions are full time and salaried. Medical benefits available. Seeking performers with strong vocal and acting skills, a clean driving record, and a love of the open road.
Period of Employment: mid August, 2011 – April/May, 2012
Tears of Joy Theatre is known internationally for its innovative productions and commitment to quality. The shows that will be touring are Stellaluna, The Ugliest Duckling, and When Animals Were People.
For more information about Tears of Joy Theatre, go to www.tojt.org
Questions? contact Artistic Director, Nancy Aldrich
Work phone: 503-284-7562
Reply to: nancy@tojt.org
Source: PDX Backstage

If you can make it for any part of this time, you will appear in the first (non-TV) movie adaptation of the play (to use the actual settings,text etc).
The shoot will take place on a full size village set built on Mt Hood about 30min outside of Portland (near the town of Sandy).
We need
- ALl actors in the film are MALE (or should appear male on camera)
Extra/nonspeaking roles in this movie are not paid.
All roles have been TAKEN and already SHOT, so nothing is available for THIS movie. However, there are speaking parts and PAID roles for a western/horror film we are shooting in late July if you are interested.
Its a short day, no dialogue. Just do a few insert crowd shots.
Reply to: gigs-6zm8b-2452731294@craigslist.org
Source: Craigslist
What A Glorious Feeling - Oregon Cabaret Theatre
Type: Non-Union Theater
Format: Theater or Stage
Union Requirements: Non-Union
Primary location of project Ashland, OR
Website specific to this project: Project Website
Project Begins Aug 17, 2011
Project Ends Nov 6, 2011
Project Description:
What A Glorious Feeling - a new play with music and dancing by Jay Berkow. Set in a dance studio during the filming of classic movie musical Singin' In The Rain, it explores a love triangle between Gene Kelly; his assistant and future wife Jeanne Coyne; and Stanley Donen, Kelly's co-director and former husband of Jeanne Coyne.
Contact Information
Company / School / Agency: Oregon Cabaret Theatre
Contact Person: Jim Giancarlo
Audition Information
Audition/Interview Dates:
By submission
Audition Requirements:
Sides will be sent to auditioners
Describe any monetary compensation:
$1600/month + housing + travel
Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Gene Kelly - 30s, very strong actor-singer with Kelly's characteristic blue-collar charisma, super-strong dancer-tapper.
Stanley Donen - late 20s, very strong actor-singer with excellent dance/tap skills
How to send submissions
Send a headshot and resume to the address above? yes
Will accept email submissions? yes
Please submit using this email: jim@oregoncabaret.com
Reply to: Please submit by e-mail to jim@oregoncabaret.com with a letter of interest, photo, resume & any available performance or audition clips demonstrating required skills
Source: Oregon Cabaret Theatre
Seeking voice over work in various languages
Intersect video, a production company specializing in business, corporate and industrial clients, has an upcoming need for some voice over work. Specifically TWO projects:
1) Male and female talent, adult age range, those with their own home recording studios will be given preference, this is for a long term project beginning in August that pays $30 – $40 an hour (with the expectation of 6 finished minutes of recorded audio per hour), with a guaranteed one hour minimum per session, with an estimated 30 to 100 sessions depending on the language. We are NOT looking for English voice over, but pretty much every other language we ARE seeking.
2) Female talent, adult age range, those with their own home recording studios will be given preference, this is for a project beginning in July and pay is $30 – $40 an hour (with the expectation of 6 finished minutes of recorded audio per hour), with a guaranteed one hour minimum per session. Total number of sessions as yet unknown. We are ONLY seeking English voice over for this project.
Reply to: Interested parties please email carey@intersectvideo.com, and please specify if you have your own home recording studio. Thanks!
Source: PDX Backstage
Front of House Positions Available
As we head into our most exciting, most ambitious season ever, honoring our 15th year of producing theater, we are seeking front of house staff who’d like to come along for the ride. If you are interested, please send an email briefly outlining your interest and your experience, and attach a resume. Feel free to forward this to anyone you think might be interested. All are paid positions.
Performances are Wednesday through Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons, with some Sunday and Monday evenings. It is expected that front of house staff for the four full productions will see a final dress rehearsal of each show, which usually take place on Tuesday evenings. These positions are for a period of time from September 26, 2011 through June 10th, 2012.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL POSITIONS ARE FOR EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS. This could be a good thing, if you are looking to add a second job, and a bad thing if you are looking to perform in theater yourself. If you know, when you are hired, that you will be working in a show at a particular time, we may be able to accommodate your schedule, but once you commit to being available for scheduled work here, we need you to be willing to put your front-of-house work first.
Arrive at theatre at least 90 minutes prior to curtain for all performances. Handle reservations and pre-sales upon arrival at box office; answer phones as necessary for ticket sales. Open box office 1 hour prior to curtain for all performances, handling will-call and ticket sales at the window and over the phone. Create and maintain wait list. Track cast and crew comp usage. Reconcile the box office nightly and create report. Familiarity with Excel is helpful.
Perform all duties listed below for the Assistant House Managers for any performance for which you are serving as the House Manager. In addition: Schedule ushers and other front of house volunteers for each show, find replacements, as needed, maintain current usher contact list in a format that is readily available to the Assistant House Managers at all times. Track concessions inventory and purchase supplies, as needed. Assist with opening night party set up and clean up for each of the four main shows, and such other duties as may be assigned.
Arrive at the theater one hour before performances for lobby set up and cleaning. Supervise and train ushers for the evening. Serve as liaison between box office and stage manager regarding curtain time for both acts, close and open house, supervise concessions sales (handled by an usher), reconcile concessions income, assist box office manager with seating for wait list patrons, track concessions inventory and communicate with Lead House Manager, as needed, remain on site during entire performance to handle any emergency, and such other duties as may be assigned.
Cindy Lyndin
Administrative Director
PO Box 14845
Portland, OR 97293
Reply to: cindy@profiletheatre.org
Source: PDX Backstage
Complex Roles Being Cast for Summer Feature (Portland )
Renowned producers Joel Silver and Steve Squillante are preparing to film the dramatic feature film "HEADSHOT" and it now has eight complex and multi-layered roles being filled. It will star Sly Stallone as a hitman with a conscience who ends up helping a cop to find the guy who killed both of their partners. We will email you a list of detailed description of each role that is open. Filming begins the first week of July.
Reply to: Send photo and brief resume to HeadshotCasting@gmail.com by Monday morning.
Source: Craigslist
I'm going to be directing a trailer/short film this summer for a feature length film I recently finished writing. We will begin production July through August. So I'm looking for actors that will be available those months and can commit to 1-5 shooting days depending on the role.
The film LEON HOUSE takes place in 1987 and 1969-1975. Here is a brief synopsis: A teenage outcast who longs to know his father and who's only friend is a homeless bum is knocked unconscious. He awakens in the year 1969 in someone else's body, he falls in love, dodges the draft, becomes a rock star and finds out who his father really is. LEON HOUSE....IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND...
The film will be shot using the canon 5d and my DP will be using different lenses for each era to create a dreamlike effect.
What I'm looking for: I'm looking for talented folks who can become their roles, give it their all and can commit to showing up on set on time. So please no flakes or people with already overbooked schedules.
I am still casting for the following roles:
Marnie (late 30s-early 40s, caucasian, deeply religious, medium to heavy set) Julie's best friend, 1 scene, 1 shooting day
Leo/Billy ( mid 20s, caucasian, attractive, thin to medium build, medium length hair) Lead Role, 6 scenes, 4-5 shooting days (first shoot day tentatively scheduled for june 30th)
I have made the above descriptions brief, but if you are interested in any of these parts please email me your resume if you have one and a photo, and I will email you sides and a more detailed character Biography for the role you wish to audition for.
This is a very micro budget production and at this time no one crew or cast is getting paid. The small budget I have is going to feed and clothe actors in period attire, and pay for needed props and equipment. I'm looking for people who just love to act and are looking for more experience and want to be apart of a very dynamic film. we hope to get funding to pay folks in the future.
Reply to: gigs-ffpqv-2450418735@craigslist.org
Source: Craigslist
Paid - Male, 60+ Year Voice Over (Film Studio)
Looking for a 60+ year-old voice actor who can devote 1-2 hours in a recording booth reading lines for a 3 minute short film. Reliable transportation is a must. The actor needs to have a deep, hard voice as they will be narrating segments of the film with country-rock music accompaniment.
Compensation is $15+ per hour, will pay more if the actor is easy to work with and performs well for us.
Please contact the given email address above, address it to Brett Nichols with your resume IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL. We are looking for is the right voice to fit the part.
Reply to: gigs-zdbja-2450084912@craigslist.org
Source: Craigslist