What inspires you and motivates you to keep going in what can sometimes be a very challenging industry? In a field with lots of rejection, it can be challenging to stay positive and strong, but sometimes our passion alone drives us through.
What keeps you inspired and motivated? Do you have a mantra that you say before every show or before that close up shot? Do you have have a book that you read that helps you feel grounded and confident? Maybe staying in the social scene or taking classes does the trick?
Share with the community what you do to continue to motivate yourself to keep going and stay positive in an industry that can easily break someone's confidence.
As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.
Bag&Baggage Productions 2011-2012 Season; Hillsboro, OR

Bag&Baggage Productions is pleased to announce auditions for our 2011-2012 season: Crimes of the Heart, by Beth Henley, directed by Scott Palmer; A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, adapted and directed by Scott Palmer; Shakespeare's R&J, by Joe Calarco, directed by Jan Powell; and Dangerous Liaisons, by Christopher Hampton, directed by Patrick Spike.
Auditions will occur July 15-17 in Hillsboro, Oregon. For full details on the shows and how to sign up for auditions, please visit our website auditions page: http://www.bagnbaggage.org/content/audition-information
Audition/Interview Dates:
July 15,16, and 17, 2011
Callbacks or second audition/interview?
Yes; Callbacks July 30 and 31, 2011
Audition Requirements:
All actors should come prepared with two contrasting monologues, at least one of which MUST be from a Shakespeare play and in verse, not longer than 2 minutes total. Please ensure that your monologue choices are age and character appropriate.
Describe any monetary compensation:
Actors will receive a $600-$725(depending on role and production) stipend after the close of the show.
Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Crimes of the Heart:
(all roles ages 25+)
Babe Botrelle (F) pre-cast
Meg MaGrath (F)
Lenny MaGrath (F) pre-cast
Barnette Lloyd (M) pre-cast
Doc Porter (M)
Chick Boyle (F)
A Christmas Carol:
Ebenezer Scrooge (pre-cast)
Charles Dickens (pre-cast)
2 female and 2 male actors, ages 25+, able to play multiple characters and with some musical theatre ability/experience
Shakespeare’s R&J:
4 male actors, ages 16-20 years old who can convincingly play 14-18 years old, able to play multiple characters.
Dangerous Liaisons:
6 female and 4 male actors, ages 25+
Actors do not have to be available/interested in all 4 productions in order to be considered or audition. When emailing for an appointment, please indicate which production(s) you are available for and interested in being considered for.
Reply to: audra@bagnbaggage.org
Source: Bag n Baggage
Extras in Portlandia
Producers of the Independent Film Channel's hit sitcom "Portlandia" are holding a casting call for extras as the show prepares to start shooting its second season.
Portland casting company Simon Max Hill is handling the applications, which asks those who are interested to submit their information and a picture electronically, via the company's website.
Casting agents are looking for all types of people who can be available at all hours of the day and at a moment's notice.
According to a statement on the site, extras will be paid $70 a day and should be prepared to devote the entire day on set.
Of the minimal restrictions listed on the site, extras would have to fill out IRS forms I-9 and W-4 before getting paid.
The show, which features Saturday Night Live's Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, is shot in Portland and has been known to feature locals including Mayor Sam Adams.
Reply to: Submit information via online form at http://smhcasting.com/smhform.php
Source: KPTV
Imago Auditions - National Tour
ZooZoo Auditions
July 13, 6PM Imago Theatre
Imago Theatre is holding open auditions for its international touring production ZooZoo on July 13, 6PM at Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Avenue.
Physical performers from the age of 18 to 39 are encouraged to audition.
No prepared audition material is required. Arrive at 6PM and sign in. This is a group audition and functions much like a workshop. Wear athletic or dance wear. Bring a photo and if available resume. If you don’t have a resume write short paragraph of your performance experience.
Must be a US citizen, or have a SS # to be able to legally work in the United States. Must by 18 years or older.
If you are traveling from out of town to attend this audition, please contact Jerry at email below before you make your plans.
Compensation is $475 per week, plus all travel expense and per diem.
ZooZoo is Imago’s world-class touring production, now contracted with prestigious touring agency Opus 3 Artists, and recently featured on Broadway at the New Victory Theatre. As the culmination of more than thirty years of innovation by directors Carol Triffle and Jerry Mouawad, ZooZoo is an evolution of the best of Imago’s signature touring shows, FROGZ and Biglittlethings. This alchemy of illusion, mime, dance, acrobatics, original music and masks offers audiences worldwide an imaginative, sophisticated show for all ages. In a series of vignettes and solo pieces, universal themes are presented with a light touch, as animals take on human characteristics and inanimate objects spring to mischievous life. Fireflies come together to make shapes in the dark, they wink as eyes, later transforming into a flock of birds, frogs reveal the underlying tension of their stillness, a hippo couple struggles for their side of a too-small bed, a paper bag comes to life and balances delicately above the ground, a family of polar bears dances and mingles with the audience, and penguins compete against each other in a heated game of musical chairs. In ZooZoo’s final piece, Paper, the actors appear as humans, masked in red bodysuits. They dance and tumble across the stage, and in a thrilling finale, each actor’s identity is at last revealed.
“Sure fire, very funny!”
The New York Times
“You can't do better than Imago Theatre’s ZooZoo . . . magical. . . skillfully shaped. . . mask and mime theater at its best. . . wonderfully wacky. . . saturated with eccentric personality and humor. . . Artful as well as entertaining. . . a show that anyone can enjoy seeing again and again.”
Richard Wattenberg, The Oregonian
“a blur of magic. . . hysterical and exciting. . . supremely theatrical spectacle. . . completely immersing. . . exactly as satisfying as great clown and mask can be. . . as exciting as the finale of any fireworks show and perhaps among the more purely gratifying moments of theatre I have seen. . . moments so fun, I don't think I could have helped but giggle like a child.”
Wendy Remington Bowie, NY Theatre.com
"Kids Go Wild for ZooZoo...Wow! is all I can say... Every minute... was engaging and hysterical... laugh out loud throughout the whole show... completely original and unlike anything I have ever seen before... a perfect first theatre experience for children!"
Mommy Poppins.com
"Defying physics and eliciting giggles!"
Time Out New York Kids
Reply to: For more information and questions contact jerry@imagotheatre.com
Source: PDX Backstage
Feature film casting - ASAP (PDX)
The feature film Interviews with Aunt Gabby starring Adirenne King of Friday the 13th fame, will be shooting in July. Sadly an actor had to drop out due to scheduling. This is a principal role for an actor age early to mid- 20's young 30's. Please respond with your headshot and resume ONLY if you are available July 8-11 15-18 22-25 30-31. As well as July 2nd for our final rehearsal. (although we can get you a stand-in for rehearsal if that's a deal breaker)
If you are available and interested - I will be making calls and holding one on one reads this week. If you have a demo reel or links to previous work online that is a plus.
We are low budget, however what budget we have is going to broadcast quality production values with a very experienced crew. We have strong distribution contacts and this is a highly commericial project. I am sorry there is not pay for this role. All talent will be fed, credit/copy and IMDb credit as well as provided cut scenes for your demo reel in a very reasonable amount of time. Our post production is already in place.
We are keeping a low -profile and everyone involved has signed non-disclosure agreements not to post on Facebook or overly "put it out there" that said though we do have our website up and running. Please check it out. www.gabbythemovie.com
Please no other submissions besides the following role and there are no roles for children so please do not submit your children.
RALPH WILLARD -- Casey's 's oldest son. Age 26-30 -- Never attended college instead is a crack mechanic and manages the auto shop he has worked at since he was a teen under his father who owns it.
Reply to: gigs-rwbn2-2459846900@craigslist.org
Source: Craigslist
Actresses Needed, 20's-30. (Portland)
This is for a fun scene in a local indie web series. Looking for a 3 actresses to play of a trio of "bad" girls (a BLONDE, BRUNETTE and RAVEN-haired) recruited by a villain for a "job." This isn't a big action scene with big stunts. It is a character scene with "tough" talk and a bit of action and it will be fun. No budget for pay at this time.
The scene will be shot later this Summer, but I'm looking for a group of potential candidates to call on when the time comes to provide the right mix of chemistry in portraying the 3 women. If interested, please send resume/photos and I'll send script. Thanks.
Reply to: gigs-ptqvq-2435434692@craigslist.org
Source: Craigslist