This post contains auditions posted on Thursday, June 30, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Actresses Needed, 20's-30. (Portland)
This is for a fun scene in a local indie web series. Looking for a 3 actresses to play of a trio of "bad" girls (a BLONDE, BRUNETTE and RAVEN-haired) recruited by a villain for a "job." This is not a big action scene with big stunts. It is a character scene with "tough" talk and a bit of action. The shoot will be relaxed and fun. No budget for pay at this time.
The scene will be shot later this Summer, but I'm looking for a group of potential candidates to call on when the time comes to provide the right mix of chemistry in portraying the 3 women. If interested, please send resume/photos and I'll send script and set auditions. Thanks.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Casting Male & Female Actors (Portland, Or)
Now Casting Actors for a commercial, this is a test commercial with no pay, but if you are cast you'll get a copy. I'll explain more about the commercial to you once you contact me.
Two Male Actors:
Bill: late age 30's - 60's, any ethnicity
John: age 20 - 25, any ethnicity
One female Actress
Kelly: age 20's, any ethnicity
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Need 3 Athletic Male Models (Portland)
I need three athletic male models for a swimwear shoot to be used for a small ad campaign (local magazines, blogosphere, etc.)
The shoot will take roughly 60-90 minutes. Compensation is $200 per model, you'll get to review the photos and get set for your portfolio.
Please send the dates & times you are available, a description of yourself (measurements), and a few photos (these won't be used without your consent obviously).
Thanks, please feel free to ask any questions.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
African American Actor Needed 1-2 days Students welcome! (Portland Area)
I'm looking to produce a short video in the next couple weeks to enter into a video contest in Idaho. I'm in need of a younger African-American male to play the lead role. The project is pretty simple and short and the duration would only be 1-2 days.
There is no pay up-front, however it will be great to add to a personal reel/resume. If my video does win any prize money, a small payment would be negotiable! Just a tiny bit about the project itself: the video is a sort of parody of an NBA star.
Please e-mail me with your name, experience, and any other materials (demos, photos) you may have.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
CASTING CALL -- Young actors for Goosebumps like video (Portland)
The popular iPhone and Android app 3:15 is which encourages young readers to "Listen, Read and then Watch" is currently casting for its season 2 video sections.
We are seeking a number of talented young actors (approximately age 7-15).
All roles provide excellent screen time and exposure, and would be a fantastic calling card for a young actor's reel.
There is a small amount of pay as well.
If you're interested in having your son or daughter read, send us an e-mail, we will reply with information regarding the casting call location and date.
Please included a headshot, and an acting reel if available.
Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day!
*note - If you auditioned for last season, there is no need to re-apply, we will be reviewing last seasons auditions for consideration of the this season's roles.
You may find more information regarding the app and its stories on the 3:15 website below.
The app may be downloaded including sample material from the following links.
iPhone / iTouch app
Android App
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Feature Film Casting! "Bridgetown Minutes" (Portland)
"Bridgetown Minutes" will be casting soon! Script has won SEVERAL awards, trailer available to view, beautiful project to be a part of!
Please send current headshot & resume asap, be sure to put "Bridgetown" in the subject line, film to be shot later this year, casting soon!
Feature film, lead roles paying (TBD) + screen credit
Thank you!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
"In The Breeze" short film CASTING! (Portland)
"In The Breeze" short film will be holding auditions in July!
3 day shoot schedule, lead roles paying (TBD)
Roles casting for:
Female #1 "Wilhemina" -already cast
Female #2 "Talia"- lead role's girlfriend, attractive, late 20's/early 30's, plays an alcohlic, edgy, strong personality
Female #3 "Cherie" - lead role's muse for painting, nudity involved
Female #4 "Jamie" - lead role's ex, early 30's
Wealthy Couple: Male - older, distinguished looking Female- younger, attractive, spoiled
Gallery Owner- already cast
Lead role(s) son: age 10, dark hair
Lead roles are paying, short shoot schedule, wonderful crew! Great project to work on and be a part of!
Please send CURRENT headshot & resume!
*****put "In the Breeze" in the subject line*****
VERY IMPORTANT! also please specify which role you'd like to be considered for, thank you!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
"Crazy Right" Feature Film CASTING! (Portland)
"Crazy Right" casting! 7 LEAD ROLES to fill!
*Must be willing to push yourself with this film, must be fearless!* Psychological thriller written by Director Ian Fowler
Please send resume and headshot (CURRENT) and put "Crazy Right" in the subject line! VERY IMPORTANT
4 Male roles: Lead "Paul" must be Ryan Gossling like/ in appearance & personality, mid 30's range, all male roles early/mid 30's
3 Female roles: all early/mid 30's look, some implied nudity, must be confortable with this
2 young children/tween age "Carrie" & "Dirk"
This film will shoot 3 days per month over a period of time as the Director already has a very full filming schedule, we are squeezing this film in! Talent will receive screen credit + food + good karma, no pay for these roles, but awesome experience and we love to use talent again, so if things work well we are always open to having you audition for other projects that are paying! We have 5 projects right now!
Thank you!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
model wanted for paid photoshoot (Portland, OR)
Local clothing boutique needs a model for a photoshoot. We are local, sustainable and modern women's clothing.
We are looking for talent that fit mostly into the following parameters (detailed below), however if you aren't exactly these but you think you would be a good fit send us your info:
mature look: 30-40's
size 8-ish
diverse looks and ethnically ambiguous looks a plus
Please reply with your comp card or head and body (with clothing please) shots with measurements.
you can view our clothing at
Thank you!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Casting Call- Murray Light Hearted Comedy (Art Institute of Portland)
Joyous Voyage Entertainment is holding our 2nd casting call for our short light hearted comedy, Murray. Auditions will be held at The Art Institute of Portland, this Friday, July 1st, 2011 from 2pm - 8pm.
Art Institute of Portland
1122 Northwest Davis Street
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 228-6528
Everyone will be accepted to audition. Please email us at if you are interested in auditioning for any of the roles. In the email please address which role(s) your interested in auditioning for and what time you are available to audition.
Production is Scheduled to Shoot July 19th, 2011 and July 21st, 2011. (Dates may change)
Murray, a lonely man in his 70s, whose only passion lives within maintaining a public rose garden, faces the challenge of having to deal with unruly/obnoxious volunteers. While crossing the treacherous park he succumbs to physical harm and embarrassment as he attempts to reach a new potential passion, love.
We are looking for several different roles to fill. Here is a list of the characters and their descriptions:
Murray (Lead Role) A man in his 60s/70s devoted to the public rose garden until the arrival of Doris changes his perspective.
Doris - A kind and gentle woman in her 50s/60s/70s.
Derek - A young punk, high school or college age rebel
Mary - young girl between 5-10.
Baseball Kid - young boy 5-10.
Reply to: If you have any further questions, or know someone perfect for one of the roles, feel free to contact us via email at
Source: Craigslist
Casting Call- Imaginative Drama (Art Institute or Portland)
HAND ME FILMS PRODUCTIONS is holding a casting call for our imaginative drama, CHIMERA. Auditions will be held at The Art Institute of Portland, this Friday, July 1st, 2011 from 2pm - 8pm.
Art Institute of Portland
1122 Northwest Davis Street
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 228-6528
Everyone will be accepted to audition. Please email us at if you are interested in auditioning for any of the roles. In the email please address which role(s) your interested in auditioning for and what time you are available to audition.
Production is scheduled to shoot July 23rd and 24th and also August 13th and 14th. (Dates May Change)
Chimera is an imaginative drama that explores the quarter-life crisis of Philip, an irresponsible asthmatic in his late 20's who wants nothing more than to live in a place where he can avoid the rat-race in life. After dreaming of an mystical figure in an archaic wheat field, Philip is convinced this place is his Utopia, and is set to find it in the physical world. However, Philip's hopes of finding this perfect world comes to a halt when his father forces Philip to wake up and face reality.
We are looking for several different roles to fill. Here is a list of the characters and their descriptions:
PHILLIP (Lead): Late 20's, slim, youthful-looking, asthmatic, pessimistic, solemn, self-centered,
irresponsible, dedicated to his dreams. He wants to be happy-go-lucky all his life, and has dreams of escaping the responsibility of getting a job and jumping through hoops. He continues to live off his father's resources. Wants to find a place in his dreams he believes to be Utopia.
ALLIE: late teens - early 20's, bubbly, high-spirited, resourceful, clever, literate, sassy, optimistic, responsible, hipster. She loves to read poetry and short stories, interested in a variety of subjects. Argues with Philip like a married couple; debates end in Alie's favor. She is a student who has been hired to assist Philip in his search for Utopia.
ARTHUR: Early 40's, rugged, strong, graceful, wise, friendly, hopeful, foreign, Irish, has
a mystical presence to him. Someone you look up to and seek advice. Looks like an aviator from older times.
FATHER: Mid -Late 40's, serious, bitter, straightforward, secretive, authoritative, wealthy. Is the head of a major business company. Believes success is the result of hard work and time well spent. He decides to cut Philip (his son) from his resources in the hopes that it will transform his son for the better.
DAVID (The Manager): Late 40's to early 60's, Professional, Authoritative, Polite.
YOUNG MAN: Age late teens- early 20's, stiff, serious, machine-like, businessman, clean cut.
Reply to: If you have any further questions or know someone perfect for one of the roles, feel free to contact us via email at
Source: Craigslist
Paid Workshop Instructors Needed
Hi Everyone,
I am working on a project right now teaching theatrical design to high school students in a professional setting. This project is designed to teach students the professional design process. We are looking for paid designers and one director to assist in our project ($300 for one day) wherein we will produce a short production with the tech students while the teachers act. A passion for teaching is a must.
I would love to work with you on this project.
Reply to: Pleas see our job announcement for more information ( ).
Source: PDX Backstage
This post contains auditions posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
CASTING CALL - "Unraveled" (Pacific NW)
CASTING CALL - Indy filmmakers seeking 3 male lead roles and 1 female role for two day shoot in Portland. Must be available 2-3 weeks after shoot for post shots and studio dubbing.
We are putting together a Sundance entry for 2011-2012.
The Grifters:
Male: Lance - Age. 25-40
Male: Gilmo - Age. 25-40
Female: Sam - Age. 25-40
The Mark:
Bob Stevens: Age. 35-45
The film is a comedy-drama short film about street cons with double twist ending. We need quick witty characters to play the Grifters, and a genuine business type to play the Mark.
We will accept submissions from Union or Non Union talent until we find the right choice.
If the ad is up then we are still accepting submissions. We pay $25 per day and provide meals.
Best part, you get a Sundance entry to add to your resume. Please email headshot and resume and/or link to video.
The Teamsters.
Four Bush Productions.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
DISCORD - Short Film Casting (Pacific NW)
Casting for short film to be shot in early fall.
Discord is about the tension in a relationship caused by differing opinions on the morality of child-rearing, ie should two people in a struggling relationship have a child? This central conflict between Irvin and Marietta, the film's protagonists, is back-dropped by two menacing mysteries -- the first is the sudden disappearance of Luz, a neighborhood child who Marietta babysits, and the second is a creepy spider that Irvin continues to come across throughout the course of the film. Discord will feature elements of gritty neo-realist films while making intermittent and surprising use of magical realism.
Casting for the following character roles:
Irvin: 18-25. The film's protagonist. He's a fit dude, he's Native American, and he does some martial arts in the film.
Marietta: 18-25. Irvin's girlfriend and co-protagonist of the film. Marietta is an attractive Chicana who wants to have a child with Irvin. She's prone to emotional outbursts.
Rollo: 18-30. A tall, Caucasian drug-dealer. Rollo is a classic wangster with alot of swagger. He's interested in Marietta, and his overt flirtation with Marietta leads to a fight scene between Rollo and Irvin.
Luz: 4-6. A little neighborhood girl who Marietta babysits. Luz is an ethnic child -likely Mexican- she has two scenes in the film and limited (somewhat flexible) lines.
Cop 1: 30-45. A veteran police officer who interrogates Irvin when Luz goes missing.
Cop 2: 30-45. Cop 1's backup.
The Neighbor: 18-35. Irvin's beer drinking, cigarette smoking neighbor.
Mr. Fapimai: 40-65. A stocky Thai man who owns the fish shop that Irvin works at. Limited lines, some in Thai.
Male Bartender: 25-35. A big friendly dude. Works with Marietta. Limited lines.
Delyla: 17-21. Luz's mother and Marietta's best friend. Ethnic- black or Latina.
Neighborhood kids: between 5 and 13. A bunch of children who Marietta babysits.
Reply to: Please send resumes and headshots to
Source: Craigslist
Casting Several Short Films
Director Ian Fowler has several films coming up...and fast! We will start casting for roles. Ian & I will be going over them and getting back to talent as we go along.....SEVERAL projects to cast! Please put "Dir. Ian Fowler" in the subject line, thank you very much!
Reply to: Please send your updated resume & current headshot over to
Source: Facebook
Documentary Casting
Rapid Fire Productions still filming documentary! Please contact asap if you wanting to be interviewed so we can set up a time with the Dir.
*Clergy, gay couples in long-term relationship: discussing what current issues are important, how social media has impacted the causes you feel are - please, put RFP Doc in subject line!
Reply to: or
Source: Facebook
Casting Call for "Hell's Angel"
The Art Institute is seeking actors.One of the many up coming Senior films is by by Rachel Ungar, who is in the pre-production phase of her Senior film "Hell's Angel" and soon her casting call will becoming. I thought some of you would be interested or someone who is.
Synopsis: "Hell's Angel" is about Lucy, who has been banished from heaven due to misunderstood circumstances. Desperate to return the only thing standing in her way is the Archangle Michelle.
The piece is a tongue and cheek comedy which takes a fun light hearted spin on Fall of Lucifer story.
Lucy: Lucy used to be God’s favorite Archangel but was cast out of Heaven over a misunderstanding. She looks to be in her mid 20’s. She has red hair and is petite, which plays up her cuteness. She loves playful outfits and enjoys bright fun colors. Her favorite hobby is baking pastries – her favorite pastry being cupcakes. She is also a hopeless romantic. She has a spitfire personality – one second she could be cool and relaxed the next she could be in a rage. She is in love with God, and that is her main motivation to get back into Heaven.
Michelle: She is the Archangel of war. She is tall, blonde, and looks to be in her late 20’s early 30’s. She is elegant yet powerful. She is overcome by jealousy because of the way God feels for Lucy. Michelle shows the utmost respect towards God because she loves him but is otherwise hard and conniving.
God: Usually he can be seen reclining on his couch in his sacred garden….in his boxer shorts – only in his boxers. His favorite hobbies are playing video games and moping around thinking about Lucy. Tall, brown hair, 30’s.
Gabby: the Archangel of messages. She is graceful and simple. Around 5’6”, brunette, small build. Looks to be in her mid to late 20’s. She is Michelle’s best friend.
When: July 9th 1pm- 4pm
Where: The Art Institute of Portland 1122 N.W. Davis Street, Portland, OR 97209-2911
Reply to: There is no contact for this currently, but save the date!
Source: Private Submission
Paid, Female voice over for commercial
Looking for experienced, energetic, 25-45 year old female voice over talent for a current project and potentially multiple upcoming projects. You will be performing the narration for a 2 minute skin care commercial. (Recording studio is located near NW 23rd & Burnside.) Must be able to speak quickly and clearly without rushing.
Compensation is $200 for 1-2 hour commitment. Please send resume, WORK SAMPLES & your availability for the coming week.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Art Show looking News Lead (Portland)
GET PAID TO TALK AND LOOK GOOD: Attractive young woman to interview artists during the Alberta districts last Thursday artwalk and Pearl district's First Thursday Artwalk. Pay is $50 per artwalk... this is a new Internet News Show produced by Astoria Review Inc. If you are ready to put yourself on the net interviewing Portland's finest artists, email your resume. The working title of this show is "Outsider Artwalk". This is a chance to get into the ground floor of a new Northwest production company based in Longview, Washington.
About the producer: Mike Strom is the author of "Spice" a short story book published by World Audience Publishing, Inc. NYC. The book can be found by searching "Spice Strom" on . Strom is the publisher of Astoria Review Magazine which is at and his artwork is shown at
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Casting Call for Short Film: Male (20's), Female (20's-30's) *PAID*
When: Auditions will be held on Saturday, July 9th (11-3pm) and Sunday, July 10th (11-3pm). Please call or email to schedule a 1/2 hour appointment.
Where: NW Film Center, 934 SW Salmon St., Portland, OR.
Abstract: A desire to capture the world in images. A magic trick gone awry. The byproducts of our everyday living/breathing/killing.
Less abstract: A short fictional film (2-3 minutes) about a brief and enigmatic encounter between a young man and woman. I'll send you the script if interested.
You: Intrigued by the above. Actor or non. Available for a two to three hour rehearsal (TBD) as well as two half-days of shooting, Saturday (7/23, 5-10am) and Sunday (7/24, 5-10am).
Me: A Portland filmmaker, lover of tropical fruits and large umbrellas. See examples of my work at
Terms: $100 plus meals. This is a small, self-financed project. I wish I could offer more.
Thank you for reading. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best, Gabe
Gabe Van Lelyveld
(360) 643-0964
Contact: Gabe Van Lelyveld, (360)643-0964,
Source: PDX Backstage
This post contains auditions posted on Monday, June 27, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Casting Call for Non-Union short film
Hello all,
I am currently casting for an upcoming short film. I am looking to cast the 4 remaining roles. This short film will be shot in HD and will be submitted to festivals galore! In a way this is a silent film, as there are no words, but you will be speaking during the different scenes, but in the final cut we will not hear any of what is being said, much like a music video if you need an example. Here is the breakdown of the characters.
Old Man: Male. Late 40's- Mid 50's, larger build, however not necessarily fat or buff,normal looking father figure, but with a few days growth, has a dark and secretive side. *Please note: you MUST be comfortable with doing a choreographed rape scene. It will be done with the utmost respect to the actors , but it does demand some pushing, shoving, throwing, etc.*
Girlfriend: Female. Late Teens(16-19), cute, attractive, under 5'11". I'm open to all hair types and ethnicity's.
Mother: Late 30's-40's. Caucasian. Typical mother looking, loving, hates her husband.
Father: Early- Mid 40's.Caucasian. Typical looking father, hates his wife, prefer either a mustache or beard(short)
This film will be a great short film with a lot of opportunity for improv and input. This is a NON-PAID NON-UNION short film. However you will be given food, credit, and copy, of course. Each scene will be done individually so to keep the crew and cast to a minimum. I work fast but I also work until we get what we need, but generally speaking, we can get what we need in half a day, so not much time will be required by the cast. I have a great deal of excitement for this film and as with all of my sets it is a lot of fun as well as very professional. Please email headshots and resumes to and in the subject line please specify which role you are submitting for. Thank you all very much!
Happy Submitting,
Kyle Buckland
Owner of Winding Tree Productions
Source: Oregon Media Network
Casting Call: Host for Educational Videos about the Court System
MetroEast Community Media is casting for a lead/host for a quick paced, stylized
segment based video series intended to educate the public about the court system
in Multnomah County. Auditions will be set Tuesday July 5th, 1pm to 7pm.
We're looking for an energetic, enthusiastic and well spoken female, between the
ages of 30 and 40 with a hip yet professional look to act as the host,
delivering complex and academic information in a fluid and fun manner, from a
variety of locations around Portland. The host acts as a "straight-woman" to a
slightly more comic "sidekick" but ideally has her own understated sense of
humor. Think Tina Fey or Ellen acting as a representative of the court system:
smart, up-beat, a little zany at times, always high energy, and able to walk the
line between serious and a little silly. Versatility is key.
This video series has a similar feel to shows like "Good Eats" and "Bill Nye the
Science Guy." (This model appeals to a broad audience, is stylized and quick
paced, visually interesting, and content heavy. The goal is to educate by
capturing and keeping audience interest.) The primary shooting is for 2 fifteen
minute videos, with several five minute pieces on related topics to follow.
Film or theatrical acting experience a must, and an academic or legal background
a plus, but not essential. Must be available some weekends, and some weekday
Timeframe: Primary shooting for the 2 fifteen minute videos will begin mid to
late July, and continue through the end of August and potentially the beginning
of September. Estimated total time commitment is 2 to 3 full weekends, and 7
half-days during the week or on a weekend. Specific dates TBD.
Compensation: Nominal gratuity TBD for key role.
This casting call is primarily for the host, however we are open to auditioning
duos who already have some chemistry working in their favor to present a
"straightwoman-sidekick" combo.
Please e-mail Emily (emily@...) with a resume and head shot, and if
possible a link to any online video samples or reel.
MetroEast Community Media is a local non-profit media center committed to using
media to invigorate civic engagement, inspire diverse voices and strengthen
community life. We believe passionately in the unrealized potential of
technology to build community by engaging people and organizations, including
the underrepresented. We support active participation in the democratic process
by providing people with access to communications technology and opportunities
to engage in civic dialogue.
Our facility is located at 829 NE 8th Street in Gresham, Oregon.
Reply to: Please e-mail Emily at with a resume and head shot, and if
possible a link to any online video samples or reel.
Source: PDX Backstage
Urgent need for actors, casting call Today (Downtown, Portland)
The feature film DOWNCAST is seeking 3 actors, two male, one female. Two primary roles and a supporting role that need to be filled VERY quickly. This is a low/no-budget film and these are not paid roles.
The audition will be held in downtown Portland at 2:30-4pm on Sunday, June 26th.
Please respond with resumes/headshots/past work/etc. If you are interested but unable to make the audition time, please send your information anyway. We may be able to connect with you later.
Downcast has been been in development since a proof-of-concept trailer was shot last Summer. You can find us at or find us on Facebook ("Downcast (Film)").
Here's the synopsis for the film + the roles we need filled.
A crime drama/action film set in the suburbs, where a group of young friends have led the last 10 years of their lives as a small criminal organization. However, the bitter disconnection from the rest of the world has begun to tear them apart. These former friends are now on a collision course with betrayal, loss, and ultimate destruction.
ALBERT (primary)
Age: 26-29
Occupation: Arms Dealer/Second in Command
Workaholic. Constantly focused on moving forward. Albert is the second in command to his boss Harry, who finds himself frustrated by the failings of his fellow criminals.
EMILY (primary)
Age: 21-25
Occupation: Early Childhood Development
Emily loves people. She works hard to give children a good foundation to live their lives. However, in her own life she sees that her boyfriend is in some kind of trouble, coming home with blood on his clothes. There's something wrong and she wants to know why.
MAXIS (supporting)
Age: 30-32
Occupation: Gang Leader
A father, a defender, a protector. Once, Maxis lived in a world of hatred and death. Yet he worked his way out of it and he began to settle down. Soon he had a family and people to protect. Then they were all taken away.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Call for extras!! VALENCIA by Michelle Tea short film shooting in PDX July 1-3
Aubree Bernier-Clarke is directing a short film based on chapter 3 of the novel "Valencia" by Michelle Tea. This film will be part of a feature film based on the book, with different directors creating short films for each chapter. The novel dramatizes the hopes and hurts, apathies and ambitions of young lesbians looking for love in San Francisco's Mission District in the early 1990s, focusing on Michelle, a poet navigating the druggy, boozy dyke scene while consorting with a series of lady loves. (yes, I stole this description from and I don't care!)
Friday July 1, 2-9pm:
-upscale call girls who work at a brothel called "International Variety" (need girls in their 20s with long hair and no visible tattoos)
-"Johns" to be customers of International Variety - men in their 30s and older who are well manicured and can wear a business suit
Saturday July 2
-queers of all stripes to appear in a dyke bar scene (wear your best early '90s queer/punk styles)
-queers of all stripes to appear in a coffee house open mic scene (wear your best early '90s queer/punk styles)
Sunday July 3, 6pm-11pm
-queer/punk girls in their early-to-mid 20s to appear in a house party scene ('90s baby dyke / crusty punk / riot grrrl styles)
If interested, please send a photo, your availability (you can be an extra in multiple scenes!), and your contact info to:
This is not a paying gig, but food, fun and possible fame are guaranteed!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Actress to play early/mid-20's Blonde. (Portland)
This is for a fun scene in a local indie web series. Looking for an actresses to play a BLONDE who is one of a trio of "bad" girls recruited by a villain for a "job." This isn't a big action scene with big stunts. It is a character scene with "tough" talk and a bit of action and it will be fun. Some auditions will be held this Wednesday and Thursday at 4:30. No budget for pay at this time.
The scene will be shot later this Summer, but I'm looking for a group of potential candidates to call on when the time comes to provide the right mix of chemistry in portraying the 3 women. If interested, please send resume/photos and I'll send script. Thanks.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Sports Models/Athletes Needed!! Build your portfolio (Portland)
We are a sports & fitness company providing equipment to various target markets. Were accepting male/female for a video/photo shoot. The pay is $20/hr and we'll allow access for you to use work to promote yourself elsewhere. You must have history in one of the particular sports mentioned. Look & move the part currently. Have knowledge of drills/exercises in your given sport.
Athletes needed:
Track & field
Marathon/long distance
Please submit recent photos & sport specifics
Compensation: $20/hr
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Sunday, June 26, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Casting Call for Non-Union short film
Hello all,
I am currently casting for an upcoming short film. I am looking to cast the 4 remaining roles. This short film will be shot in HD and will be submitted to festivals galore! In a way this is a silent film, as there are no words, but you will be speaking during the different scenes, but in the final cut we will not hear any of what is being said, much like a music video if you need an example. Here is the breakdown of the characters.
Old Man: Male. Late 40's- Mid 50's, larger build, however not necessarily fat or buff,normal looking father figure, but with a few days growth, has a dark and secretive side. *Please note: you MUST be comfortable with doing a choreographed rape scene. It will be done with the utmost respect to the actors , but it does demand some pushing, shoving, throwing, etc.*
Girlfriend: Female. Late Teens(16-19), cute, attractive, under 5'11". I'm open to all hair types and ethnicity's.
Mother: Late 30's-40's. Caucasian. Typical mother looking, loving, hates her husband.
Father: Early- Mid 40's.Caucasian. Typical looking father, hates his wife, prefer either a mustache or beard(short)
This film will be a great short film with a lot of opportunity for improv and input. This is a NON-PAID NON-UNION short film. However you will be given food, credit, and copy, of course. Each scene will be done individually so to keep the crew and cast to a minimum. I work fast but I also work until we get what we need, but generally speaking, we can get what we need in half a day, so not much time will be required by the cast. I have a great deal of excitement for this film and as with all of my sets it is a lot of fun as well as very professional. Please email headshots and resumes to and in the subject line please specify which role you are submitting for. Thank you all very much!
Happy Submitting,
Kyle Buckland
Owner of Winding Tree Productions
Source: Oregon Media Network
Casting Call: Host for Educational Videos about the Court System
MetroEast Community Media is casting for a lead/host for a quick paced, stylized
segment based video series intended to educate the public about the court system
in Multnomah County. Auditions will be set Tuesday July 5th, 1pm to 7pm.
We're looking for an energetic, enthusiastic and well spoken female, between the
ages of 30 and 40 with a hip yet professional look to act as the host,
delivering complex and academic information in a fluid and fun manner, from a
variety of locations around Portland. The host acts as a "straight-woman" to a
slightly more comic "sidekick" but ideally has her own understated sense of
humor. Think Tina Fey or Ellen acting as a representative of the court system:
smart, up-beat, a little zany at times, always high energy, and able to walk the
line between serious and a little silly. Versatility is key.
This video series has a similar feel to shows like "Good Eats" and "Bill Nye the
Science Guy." (This model appeals to a broad audience, is stylized and quick
paced, visually interesting, and content heavy. The goal is to educate by
capturing and keeping audience interest.) The primary shooting is for 2 fifteen
minute videos, with several five minute pieces on related topics to follow.
Film or theatrical acting experience a must, and an academic or legal background
a plus, but not essential. Must be available some weekends, and some weekday
Timeframe: Primary shooting for the 2 fifteen minute videos will begin mid to
late July, and continue through the end of August and potentially the beginning
of September. Estimated total time commitment is 2 to 3 full weekends, and 7
half-days during the week or on a weekend. Specific dates TBD.
Compensation: Nominal gratuity TBD for key role.
This casting call is primarily for the host, however we are open to auditioning
duos who already have some chemistry working in their favor to present a
"straightwoman-sidekick" combo.
Please e-mail Emily (emily@...) with a resume and head shot, and if
possible a link to any online video samples or reel.
MetroEast Community Media is a local non-profit media center committed to using
media to invigorate civic engagement, inspire diverse voices and strengthen
community life. We believe passionately in the unrealized potential of
technology to build community by engaging people and organizations, including
the underrepresented. We support active participation in the democratic process
by providing people with access to communications technology and opportunities
to engage in civic dialogue.
Our facility is located at 829 NE 8th Street in Gresham, Oregon.
Reply to: Please e-mail Emily at with a resume and head shot, and if
possible a link to any online video samples or reel.
Source: PDX Backstage
Urgent need for actors, casting call Today (Downtown, Portland)
The feature film DOWNCAST is seeking 3 actors, two male, one female. Two primary roles and a supporting role that need to be filled VERY quickly. This is a low/no-budget film and these are not paid roles.
The audition will be held in downtown Portland at 2:30-4pm on Sunday, June 26th.
Please respond with resumes/headshots/past work/etc. If you are interested but unable to make the audition time, please send your information anyway. We may be able to connect with you later.
Downcast has been been in development since a proof-of-concept trailer was shot last Summer. You can find us at or find us on Facebook ("Downcast (Film)").
Here's the synopsis for the film + the roles we need filled.
A crime drama/action film set in the suburbs, where a group of young friends have led the last 10 years of their lives as a small criminal organization. However, the bitter disconnection from the rest of the world has begun to tear them apart. These former friends are now on a collision course with betrayal, loss, and ultimate destruction.
ALBERT (primary)
Age: 26-29
Occupation: Arms Dealer/Second in Command
Workaholic. Constantly focused on moving forward. Albert is the second in command to his boss Harry, who finds himself frustrated by the failings of his fellow criminals.
EMILY (primary)
Age: 21-25
Occupation: Early Childhood Development
Emily loves people. She works hard to give children a good foundation to live their lives. However, in her own life she sees that her boyfriend is in some kind of trouble, coming home with blood on his clothes. There's something wrong and she wants to know why.
MAXIS (supporting)
Age: 30-32
Occupation: Gang Leader
A father, a defender, a protector. Once, Maxis lived in a world of hatred and death. Yet he worked his way out of it and he began to settle down. Soon he had a family and people to protect. Then they were all taken away.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Call for extras!! VALENCIA by Michelle Tea short film shooting in PDX July 1-3
Aubree Bernier-Clarke is directing a short film based on chapter 3 of the novel "Valencia" by Michelle Tea. This film will be part of a feature film based on the book, with different directors creating short films for each chapter. The novel dramatizes the hopes and hurts, apathies and ambitions of young lesbians looking for love in San Francisco's Mission District in the early 1990s, focusing on Michelle, a poet navigating the druggy, boozy dyke scene while consorting with a series of lady loves. (yes, I stole this description from and I don't care!)
Friday July 1, 2-9pm:
-upscale call girls who work at a brothel called "International Variety" (need girls in their 20s with long hair and no visible tattoos)
-"Johns" to be customers of International Variety - men in their 30s and older who are well manicured and can wear a business suit
Saturday July 2
-queers of all stripes to appear in a dyke bar scene (wear your best early '90s queer/punk styles)
-queers of all stripes to appear in a coffee house open mic scene (wear your best early '90s queer/punk styles)
Sunday July 3, 6pm-11pm
-queer/punk girls in their early-to-mid 20s to appear in a house party scene ('90s baby dyke / crusty punk / riot grrrl styles)
If interested, please send a photo, your availability (you can be an extra in multiple scenes!), and your contact info to:
This is not a paying gig, but food, fun and possible fame are guaranteed!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Actress to play early/mid-20's Blonde. (Portland)
This is for a fun scene in a local indie web series. Looking for an actresses to play a BLONDE who is one of a trio of "bad" girls recruited by a villain for a "job." This isn't a big action scene with big stunts. It is a character scene with "tough" talk and a bit of action and it will be fun. Some auditions will be held this Wednesday and Thursday at 4:30. No budget for pay at this time.
The scene will be shot later this Summer, but I'm looking for a group of potential candidates to call on when the time comes to provide the right mix of chemistry in portraying the 3 women. If interested, please send resume/photos and I'll send script. Thanks.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Sports Models/Athletes Needed!! Build your portfolio (Portland)
We are a sports & fitness company providing equipment to various target markets. Were accepting male/female for a video/photo shoot. The pay is $20/hr and we'll allow access for you to use work to promote yourself elsewhere. You must have history in one of the particular sports mentioned. Look & move the part currently. Have knowledge of drills/exercises in your given sport.
Athletes needed:
Track & field
Marathon/long distance
Please submit recent photos & sport specifics
Compensation: $20/hr
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This page contains auditions posted on Saturday, June 25, 2011.
What inspires you and motivates you to keep going in what can sometimes be a very challenging industry? In a field with lots of rejection, it can be challenging to stay positive and strong, but sometimes our passion alone drives us through.
What keeps you inspired and motivated? Do you have a mantra that you say before every show or before that close up shot? Do you have have a book that you read that helps you feel grounded and confident? Maybe staying in the social scene or taking classes does the trick?
Share with the community what you do to continue to motivate yourself to keep going and stay positive in an industry that can easily break someone's confidence.
As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.
Bag&Baggage Productions 2011-2012 Season; Hillsboro, OR
Bag&Baggage Productions is a 501(c)3, non-profit professional theatre company based in Hillsboro, Oregon; the only professional theatre in Hillsboro, and one of only two such organizations in all of Washington County, Oregon. Our Mission: As a group of ambitious, professional theatre practitioners and educators, we inspire Oregonians to engage in creative, accessible and moving live-theatre experiences. Through our commitment to professional, text-based live theatre, we will make Hillsboro a renowned theatre destination for diverse audiences from Washington County and beyond.
Bag&Baggage Productions is pleased to announce auditions for our 2011-2012 season: Crimes of the Heart, by Beth Henley, directed by Scott Palmer; A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, adapted and directed by Scott Palmer; Shakespeare's R&J, by Joe Calarco, directed by Jan Powell; and Dangerous Liaisons, by Christopher Hampton, directed by Patrick Spike.
Auditions will occur July 15-17 in Hillsboro, Oregon. For full details on the shows and how to sign up for auditions, please visit our website auditions page:
Audition/Interview Dates:
July 15,16, and 17, 2011
Callbacks or second audition/interview?
Yes; Callbacks July 30 and 31, 2011
Audition Requirements:
All actors should come prepared with two contrasting monologues, at least one of which MUST be from a Shakespeare play and in verse, not longer than 2 minutes total. Please ensure that your monologue choices are age and character appropriate.
Describe any monetary compensation:
Actors will receive a $600-$725(depending on role and production) stipend after the close of the show.
Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Crimes of the Heart:
(all roles ages 25+)
Babe Botrelle (F) pre-cast
Meg MaGrath (F)
Lenny MaGrath (F) pre-cast
Barnette Lloyd (M) pre-cast
Doc Porter (M)
Chick Boyle (F)
A Christmas Carol:
Ebenezer Scrooge (pre-cast)
Charles Dickens (pre-cast)
2 female and 2 male actors, ages 25+, able to play multiple characters and with some musical theatre ability/experience
Shakespeare’s R&J:
4 male actors, ages 16-20 years old who can convincingly play 14-18 years old, able to play multiple characters.
Dangerous Liaisons:
6 female and 4 male actors, ages 25+
Actors do not have to be available/interested in all 4 productions in order to be considered or audition. When emailing for an appointment, please indicate which production(s) you are available for and interested in being considered for.
Reply to:
Source: Bag n Baggage
Extras in Portlandia
Producers of the Independent Film Channel's hit sitcom "Portlandia" are holding a casting call for extras as the show prepares to start shooting its second season.
Portland casting company Simon Max Hill is handling the applications, which asks those who are interested to submit their information and a picture electronically, via the company's website.
Casting agents are looking for all types of people who can be available at all hours of the day and at a moment's notice.
According to a statement on the site, extras will be paid $70 a day and should be prepared to devote the entire day on set.
Of the minimal restrictions listed on the site, extras would have to fill out IRS forms I-9 and W-4 before getting paid.
The show, which features Saturday Night Live's Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, is shot in Portland and has been known to feature locals including Mayor Sam Adams.
Reply to: Submit information via online form at
Source: KPTV
Imago Auditions - National Tour
ZooZoo Auditions
July 13, 6PM Imago Theatre
Imago Theatre is holding open auditions for its international touring production ZooZoo on July 13, 6PM at Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Avenue.
Physical performers from the age of 18 to 39 are encouraged to audition.
No prepared audition material is required. Arrive at 6PM and sign in. This is a group audition and functions much like a workshop. Wear athletic or dance wear. Bring a photo and if available resume. If you don’t have a resume write short paragraph of your performance experience.
Must be a US citizen, or have a SS # to be able to legally work in the United States. Must by 18 years or older.
If you are traveling from out of town to attend this audition, please contact Jerry at email below before you make your plans.
Compensation is $475 per week, plus all travel expense and per diem.
ZooZoo is Imago’s world-class touring production, now contracted with prestigious touring agency Opus 3 Artists, and recently featured on Broadway at the New Victory Theatre. As the culmination of more than thirty years of innovation by directors Carol Triffle and Jerry Mouawad, ZooZoo is an evolution of the best of Imago’s signature touring shows, FROGZ and Biglittlethings. This alchemy of illusion, mime, dance, acrobatics, original music and masks offers audiences worldwide an imaginative, sophisticated show for all ages. In a series of vignettes and solo pieces, universal themes are presented with a light touch, as animals take on human characteristics and inanimate objects spring to mischievous life. Fireflies come together to make shapes in the dark, they wink as eyes, later transforming into a flock of birds, frogs reveal the underlying tension of their stillness, a hippo couple struggles for their side of a too-small bed, a paper bag comes to life and balances delicately above the ground, a family of polar bears dances and mingles with the audience, and penguins compete against each other in a heated game of musical chairs. In ZooZoo’s final piece, Paper, the actors appear as humans, masked in red bodysuits. They dance and tumble across the stage, and in a thrilling finale, each actor’s identity is at last revealed.
“Sure fire, very funny!”
The New York Times
“You can't do better than Imago Theatre’s ZooZoo . . . magical. . . skillfully shaped. . . mask and mime theater at its best. . . wonderfully wacky. . . saturated with eccentric personality and humor. . . Artful as well as entertaining. . . a show that anyone can enjoy seeing again and again.”
Richard Wattenberg, The Oregonian
“a blur of magic. . . hysterical and exciting. . . supremely theatrical spectacle. . . completely immersing. . . exactly as satisfying as great clown and mask can be. . . as exciting as the finale of any fireworks show and perhaps among the more purely gratifying moments of theatre I have seen. . . moments so fun, I don't think I could have helped but giggle like a child.”
Wendy Remington Bowie, NY
"Kids Go Wild for ZooZoo...Wow! is all I can say... Every minute... was engaging and hysterical... laugh out loud throughout the whole show... completely original and unlike anything I have ever seen before... a perfect first theatre experience for children!"
"Defying physics and eliciting giggles!"
Time Out New York Kids
Reply to: For more information and questions contact
Source: PDX Backstage
Feature film casting - ASAP (PDX)
The feature film Interviews with Aunt Gabby starring Adirenne King of Friday the 13th fame, will be shooting in July. Sadly an actor had to drop out due to scheduling. This is a principal role for an actor age early to mid- 20's young 30's. Please respond with your headshot and resume ONLY if you are available July 8-11 15-18 22-25 30-31. As well as July 2nd for our final rehearsal. (although we can get you a stand-in for rehearsal if that's a deal breaker)
If you are available and interested - I will be making calls and holding one on one reads this week. If you have a demo reel or links to previous work online that is a plus.
We are low budget, however what budget we have is going to broadcast quality production values with a very experienced crew. We have strong distribution contacts and this is a highly commericial project. I am sorry there is not pay for this role. All talent will be fed, credit/copy and IMDb credit as well as provided cut scenes for your demo reel in a very reasonable amount of time. Our post production is already in place.
We are keeping a low -profile and everyone involved has signed non-disclosure agreements not to post on Facebook or overly "put it out there" that said though we do have our website up and running. Please check it out.
Please no other submissions besides the following role and there are no roles for children so please do not submit your children.
RALPH WILLARD -- Casey's 's oldest son. Age 26-30 -- Never attended college instead is a crack mechanic and manages the auto shop he has worked at since he was a teen under his father who owns it.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Actresses Needed, 20's-30. (Portland)
This is for a fun scene in a local indie web series. Looking for a 3 actresses to play of a trio of "bad" girls (a BLONDE, BRUNETTE and RAVEN-haired) recruited by a villain for a "job." This isn't a big action scene with big stunts. It is a character scene with "tough" talk and a bit of action and it will be fun. No budget for pay at this time.
The scene will be shot later this Summer, but I'm looking for a group of potential candidates to call on when the time comes to provide the right mix of chemistry in portraying the 3 women. If interested, please send resume/photos and I'll send script. Thanks.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This page contains auditions posted on Friday, June 24, 2011.
What inspires you and motivates you to keep going in what can sometimes be a very challenging industry? In a field with lots of rejection, it can be challenging to stay positive and strong, but sometimes our passion alone drives us through.
What keeps you inspired and motivated? Do you have a mantra that you say before every show or before that close up shot? Do you have have a book that you read that helps you feel grounded and confident? Maybe staying in the social scene or taking classes does the trick?
Share with the community what you do to continue to motivate yourself to keep going and stay positive in an industry that can easily break someone's confidence.
As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.
Bag&Baggage Productions 2011-2012 Season; Hillsboro, OR
Bag&Baggage Productions is a 501(c)3, non-profit professional theatre company based in Hillsboro, Oregon; the only professional theatre in Hillsboro, and one of only two such organizations in all of Washington County, Oregon. Our Mission: As a group of ambitious, professional theatre practitioners and educators, we inspire Oregonians to engage in creative, accessible and moving live-theatre experiences. Through our commitment to professional, text-based live theatre, we will make Hillsboro a renowned theatre destination for diverse audiences from Washington County and beyond.
Bag&Baggage Productions is pleased to announce auditions for our 2011-2012 season: Crimes of the Heart, by Beth Henley, directed by Scott Palmer; A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, adapted and directed by Scott Palmer; Shakespeare's R&J, by Joe Calarco, directed by Jan Powell; and Dangerous Liaisons, by Christopher Hampton, directed by Patrick Spike.
Auditions will occur July 15-17 in Hillsboro, Oregon. For full details on the shows and how to sign up for auditions, please visit our website auditions page:
Audition/Interview Dates:
July 15,16, and 17, 2011
Callbacks or second audition/interview?
Yes; Callbacks July 30 and 31, 2011
Audition Requirements:
All actors should come prepared with two contrasting monologues, at least one of which MUST be from a Shakespeare play and in verse, not longer than 2 minutes total. Please ensure that your monologue choices are age and character appropriate.
Describe any monetary compensation:
Actors will receive a $600-$725(depending on role and production) stipend after the close of the show.
Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Crimes of the Heart:
(all roles ages 25+)
Babe Botrelle (F) pre-cast
Meg MaGrath (F)
Lenny MaGrath (F) pre-cast
Barnette Lloyd (M) pre-cast
Doc Porter (M)
Chick Boyle (F)
A Christmas Carol:
Ebenezer Scrooge (pre-cast)
Charles Dickens (pre-cast)
2 female and 2 male actors, ages 25+, able to play multiple characters and with some musical theatre ability/experience
Shakespeare’s R&J:
4 male actors, ages 16-20 years old who can convincingly play 14-18 years old, able to play multiple characters.
Dangerous Liaisons:
6 female and 4 male actors, ages 25+
Actors do not have to be available/interested in all 4 productions in order to be considered or audition. When emailing for an appointment, please indicate which production(s) you are available for and interested in being considered for.
Reply to:
Source: Bag n Baggage
Extras in Portlandia
Producers of the Independent Film Channel's hit sitcom "Portlandia" are holding a casting call for extras as the show prepares to start shooting its second season.
Portland casting company Simon Max Hill is handling the applications, which asks those who are interested to submit their information and a picture electronically, via the company's website.
Casting agents are looking for all types of people who can be available at all hours of the day and at a moment's notice.
According to a statement on the site, extras will be paid $70 a day and should be prepared to devote the entire day on set.
Of the minimal restrictions listed on the site, extras would have to fill out IRS forms I-9 and W-4 before getting paid.
The show, which features Saturday Night Live's Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, is shot in Portland and has been known to feature locals including Mayor Sam Adams.
Reply to: Submit information via online form at
Source: KPTV
Imago Auditions - National Tour
ZooZoo Auditions
July 13, 6PM Imago Theatre
Imago Theatre is holding open auditions for its international touring production ZooZoo on July 13, 6PM at Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Avenue.
Physical performers from the age of 18 to 39 are encouraged to audition.
No prepared audition material is required. Arrive at 6PM and sign in. This is a group audition and functions much like a workshop. Wear athletic or dance wear. Bring a photo and if available resume. If you don’t have a resume write short paragraph of your performance experience.
Must be a US citizen, or have a SS # to be able to legally work in the United States. Must by 18 years or older.
If you are traveling from out of town to attend this audition, please contact Jerry at email below before you make your plans.
Compensation is $475 per week, plus all travel expense and per diem.
ZooZoo is Imago’s world-class touring production, now contracted with prestigious touring agency Opus 3 Artists, and recently featured on Broadway at the New Victory Theatre. As the culmination of more than thirty years of innovation by directors Carol Triffle and Jerry Mouawad, ZooZoo is an evolution of the best of Imago’s signature touring shows, FROGZ and Biglittlethings. This alchemy of illusion, mime, dance, acrobatics, original music and masks offers audiences worldwide an imaginative, sophisticated show for all ages. In a series of vignettes and solo pieces, universal themes are presented with a light touch, as animals take on human characteristics and inanimate objects spring to mischievous life. Fireflies come together to make shapes in the dark, they wink as eyes, later transforming into a flock of birds, frogs reveal the underlying tension of their stillness, a hippo couple struggles for their side of a too-small bed, a paper bag comes to life and balances delicately above the ground, a family of polar bears dances and mingles with the audience, and penguins compete against each other in a heated game of musical chairs. In ZooZoo’s final piece, Paper, the actors appear as humans, masked in red bodysuits. They dance and tumble across the stage, and in a thrilling finale, each actor’s identity is at last revealed.
“Sure fire, very funny!”
The New York Times
“You can't do better than Imago Theatre’s ZooZoo . . . magical. . . skillfully shaped. . . mask and mime theater at its best. . . wonderfully wacky. . . saturated with eccentric personality and humor. . . Artful as well as entertaining. . . a show that anyone can enjoy seeing again and again.”
Richard Wattenberg, The Oregonian
“a blur of magic. . . hysterical and exciting. . . supremely theatrical spectacle. . . completely immersing. . . exactly as satisfying as great clown and mask can be. . . as exciting as the finale of any fireworks show and perhaps among the more purely gratifying moments of theatre I have seen. . . moments so fun, I don't think I could have helped but giggle like a child.”
Wendy Remington Bowie, NY
"Kids Go Wild for ZooZoo...Wow! is all I can say... Every minute... was engaging and hysterical... laugh out loud throughout the whole show... completely original and unlike anything I have ever seen before... a perfect first theatre experience for children!"
"Defying physics and eliciting giggles!"
Time Out New York Kids
Reply to: For more information and questions contact
Source: PDX Backstage
Feature film casting - ASAP (PDX)
The feature film Interviews with Aunt Gabby starring Adirenne King of Friday the 13th fame, will be shooting in July. Sadly an actor had to drop out due to scheduling. This is a principal role for an actor age early to mid- 20's young 30's. Please respond with your headshot and resume ONLY if you are available July 8-11 15-18 22-25 30-31. As well as July 2nd for our final rehearsal. (although we can get you a stand-in for rehearsal if that's a deal breaker)
If you are available and interested - I will be making calls and holding one on one reads this week. If you have a demo reel or links to previous work online that is a plus.
We are low budget, however what budget we have is going to broadcast quality production values with a very experienced crew. We have strong distribution contacts and this is a highly commericial project. I am sorry there is not pay for this role. All talent will be fed, credit/copy and IMDb credit as well as provided cut scenes for your demo reel in a very reasonable amount of time. Our post production is already in place.
We are keeping a low -profile and everyone involved has signed non-disclosure agreements not to post on Facebook or overly "put it out there" that said though we do have our website up and running. Please check it out.
Please no other submissions besides the following role and there are no roles for children so please do not submit your children.
RALPH WILLARD -- Casey's 's oldest son. Age 26-30 -- Never attended college instead is a crack mechanic and manages the auto shop he has worked at since he was a teen under his father who owns it.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Actresses Needed, 20's-30. (Portland)
This is for a fun scene in a local indie web series. Looking for a 3 actresses to play of a trio of "bad" girls (a BLONDE, BRUNETTE and RAVEN-haired) recruited by a villain for a "job." This isn't a big action scene with big stunts. It is a character scene with "tough" talk and a bit of action and it will be fun. No budget for pay at this time.
The scene will be shot later this Summer, but I'm looking for a group of potential candidates to call on when the time comes to provide the right mix of chemistry in portraying the 3 women. If interested, please send resume/photos and I'll send script. Thanks.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This page contains auditions posted on Thursday, June 23, 2011.
What inspires you and motivates you to keep going in what can sometimes be a very challenging industry? In a field with lots of rejection, it can be challenging to stay positive and strong, but sometimes our passion alone drives us through.
What keeps you inspired and motivated? Do you have a mantra that you say before every show or before that close up shot? Do you have have a book that you read that helps you feel grounded and confident? Maybe staying in the social scene or taking classes does the trick?
Share with the community what you do to continue to motivate yourself to keep going and stay positive in an industry that can easily break someone's confidence.
As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.
Casting for Sitcom Pilot (Portland, OR)
Casting director looking for actors and comedians all ages/all types for the pilot episode of a fresh new sitcom being shot in Portland Oregon.
Also specifically looking for one boy age 8-15 with film and/or theatrical experience.
Auditions to be held within the next two weeks, shooting between August 6th and 27th, with lead roles requiring a maximum of 5 shooting days, and fewer for supporting roles.
This pilot is being produced independently by a team of established local performers and filmmakers. Guaranteed compensation of meals on set and a copy of the finished product; compensation negotiable for key roles.
Reply to: For more information, or to schedule an audition, please email a headshot and resume to: delusional(dot)donovan(at)gmail(dot)com
Source: Craigslist
Models wanted for TFCD shoots (Washington County)
Greetings aspiring models in the Portland Metro Area. I am working on expanding my portfolio, and I would like to work with some models on TFCD shoots to expand both your portfolio and mine. I am looking to do both studio and outdoor shoots. I have much availability right now, so please send me when you are available and what kind of work you would like to do. At this time I am not looking for nude subjects, but I am open to swimsuits (bikini's included), formalwear (including wedding dresses), summer wear, and any other awesome outfit ideas you might have. I love to collaborate. Please check out my page on Model Mayhem at, friend me if you are a member. I hope to hear from some great talent soon!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Comedic actors needed for short (Oregon City)
I am casting for a short silent comedy film, and need actors good with physical comedy. There are two lead roles (one male, one female) needed for three days of shooting, and a dozen smaller roles needed for 1/2 a days. Filming will be toward the end of July.
If interested, please inquire for more details.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Actress/model needed for one-day commercial shoot
We're shooting a commercial for skin care product and need the following role cast for a half-day shoot:
- Mid/late 20's model/actress, Female
This is a non-speaking part. You will be pressing a piece of clear tape up to your face or arm, then peeling it off to reveal how badly you need an exfoliator. (It won't be gross, just kind of tastefully "foggy".)
Filming will take no more than one half day this Friday 6/24. Please let us know your availability: morning, afternoon, and/or evening. This is a paid role.
If you're interested, please email us a recent head shot, resume, and reel (if available) and we'll contact you shortly. Thanks!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Catering/Craft service for hire (Portland)
Film crews need to be fed and I can meet your needs. A happy crew is a well-fed crew.
From my ten years of experience in food service, I can prepare a healthy, tasty meal and snacks quickly and on a small budget.
You pay for food, supplies, and my time. Receipts can be provided. I guarantee quality and satisfaction.
Estimated cost for food and supplies: only $2.00 per person! Cost for my time is negotiable.
Feel free to contact me by email or I can be reached at (309) 454-8740. No texts please.
Thanks! Vanessa
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Source: Craigslist