Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Auditions: Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This post contains auditions posted on Tuesday, November 23, 2010.

This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.


Casting Call for Dark Drama

Directors: Jacob Flatau & Scotty Bailey
Contact: jacobflatau@yahoo.com
Title: Orchidist
Log Line: An obsessed orchid collector breaks into a house to steal a rare orchid where the house’s supernatural occupants confront him.
Tag Line: At what cost?

Shooting Dates: February or March 2011
Casting Date: December 4, 2010, 12-4pm

Age: 30-50
Muldoon is a sly orchid collector. He is intelligent, likable and calm, perhaps too intelligent for his own good. His obsession to find the final orchid for his collection overrides all else, no matter what the cost, even his own safety.

Age: 30-45
Lasson is the leader of the occupants of the orchid house. He is very tall and lean with freakishly long arms (FX). Lasson is stoic, in control and self-assured of his power. He speaks in absolutes and makes Muldoon feel very nervous.

Age: 30-60
Mindla does most of the speaking for the occupants of the house. While she appears welcoming, she has a hidden agenda for Muldoon. She is cryptic when speaking to him.

Age: 8-14
Francis is a precocious child. He/She is quiet but displays a confidence and power that seem beyond his/her years, like someone old trapped in a young body.

Dai Jin
Age: 30-50
Dai Jin is also an orchid collector. He is intelligent and cautious. He is Muldoon’s go to guy for rare orchids. He fears for the path Muldoon is about to go down but knows he can’t stop him from his obsession.

Extras: Basement Keeper & Man in Shackles
Age: 30-50
Both appear tired and worn out, as if they have had the life slowly sucked out of them. They feel like they have lost their identity.

Reply to:
Jacob Flatau at jacobflatau@yahoo.com

Source: Craigslist


Auditions for Imago Theatre

Imago Auditions Jan 5th 6PM

Imago is holding auditions for three productions for Equity and Non-Equity performers.

To audition arrive at Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Avenue at 6PM on Wednesday Jan 5, 2011. Allow 90 minutes. Wear work out attire or dance clothes. Bring photo and resume. If no resume available bring at least a photo – it does not need to be a professional headshot.

At this audition no prepared material is required. It will be held as a group audition like a workshop. If you are selected for callbacks a prepared audition piece may be required.

For more information email:


Include in the subject field: audition

Metropolis Apocalypse

Jerry Mouawad continues his wordless play series incorporating movement and dance. Performers 18 to 55 with or without dance experience encouraged to audition. Stipend production. Rehearsals begin end of January. Previews begin early March.


The company’s signature of work of mask and illusionistic theatre tours internationally. Highly physical performers from 18 to 35 encouraged to audition. Rehearsals to begin fall of 2011 for tours thereafter. Paid full time position.


Carol Triffle's original work of off-kilter narrative and lost soul characters. Rehearsals begin February. Production opens in May. Ages 18 to 65. Stipend production.

Reply to:
jerry@imagotheatre.com, with "audition" in the subject line

Source: PDXBackstage


Extras Needed for Feature Film

We need approx 20+ extras for a high school scene being shot at a Beaverton area High School on the 29th, 30th and 1st. -Mon, Tues. Wed.

This is non-paying extra work though there will be a pizza feed and imdb credits for those who participate. Extras must be available all 3 days, and be available from 3pm - 9pm each day.

No experience needed, you simply need to look "high school" aged. Some speaking lines available.

The film is The Innocent, and features Adrienne King of Friday the 13th movie fame, as well as several local award winning actors.

If interested please send headshot or recent photo. Contact for more information.


Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


Actors with Voice Talents Needed

We will be creating video monologues that are 30 seconds to 2 and a half minutes in length.

The characters are British people from the 1940's. They are commenting on a detective case.

We need actors/actresses who can replicate Cornwall accents, some British upper class accents, and a Cockney accent.

Please send Bio, Headshot, etc. And be sure to talk about your vocal talents.

We have characters in all age groups.

Reply to: gigs-jnyzc-2076218803@craigslist.org

Source: Craigslist


Auditions for Sandy Actors Theatre

"A Fine Monster You Are": Sandy Actors Theatre offers auditions Dec. 4 for the comedy.

Reply to:

Source: Oregonian Callboard


Auditions for Third Eye Theatre

"Porn Shop!": Third Eye Theatre welcomes actors for all roles in this adult-themed comedy. Auditions Nov. 20.

Reply to:
503-970-8874 or visit www.thirdeyetheatre.org.

Source: Oregonian Callboard


Auditions for Rent with Pentacle Theatre

Posted on behalf of the director, Robert Salberg. Please see below for contact information for any questions you may have.

Pentacle Theatre is a volunteer community theatre celebrating 56 years of professional-quality productions. Pentacle always encourages actors of various abilities and all ethnic backgrounds to participate in productions

For more information and directions to theatre, please contact the director Robert Salberg @ audition4RENT@yahoo.com

Where - Salem's Pentacle Theatre Lobby
When - Saturday December 11th (starting at 1pm)
Call backs Sunday December 12th (TBA)
Show Runs: March 11 - April 2, 2011

Auditioners must be 18 & over. Select a song, no more than 5 minutes that is similar to the style of the music in "RENT," but also showcases your vocal abilities. No a cappella singing will be allowed.

Saturday's audition will be singing ONLY, you may come, sing and leave, or stay if you wish but after you sing you won't be needed until a callback list is developed for Sunday.

Download an audition form from www.pentacletheatre.org in advance of your audition. Please bring a current photograph attached to your completed audition form.

Cast Information:

ANGEL DUMOTT SCHUNARD: A transvestite street drummer infected with HIV. Incredible dancer with a magnetic personality; must be comfortable with a same sex onstage kiss.
C3 - A4 (Tenor)

BENJAMIN COFFIN III: Wealthy landlord of Mark and Roger's building. Benny wants to start a multimedia studio.
Eb3 - F4 (Tenor)

JOANNE JEFFERSON: A headstrong public interest lawyer and Maureen's lover. Must be comfortable with a same sex onstage kiss.
Bb3 - E5 (Alto)

MARK COHEN: A filmmaker and video artist, determined to capture "real" life on film. Roger's roommate.
C#3 - G4 (Tenor)

MAUREEN JOHNSON: A performance artist and Mark's ex-girlfriend. Must be comfortable with a same sex onstage kiss.
C4 - F5 (Soprano Belt)

MIMI MARQUEZ: A dancer with AIDS and a drug problem. Desperate for a place to feel safe and protected.
F#3 - E5 (Alto)

ROGER DAVIS: An edgy, struggling musician who's HIV+. He hopes to write one last meaningful song before he dies.
B2 - A4 (Tenor)

TOM COLLINS: An HIV+ computer genius who has recently returned to New York after an absence. Has a deep capacity for love and understanding. Must be comfortable with a same sex onstage kiss.
F#2 - A4 (Barite nor)
There is only one A (A4) for this character. It is of short duration.

SWING CHARACTERS: Three additional Men and five additional Women to play various other characters.

Costumes may be of a provocative nature - anyone auditioning should feel comfortable in ANY costume.

Reply to:
Download an audition form from www.pentacletheatre.org and email Robert Salberg @ audition4RENT@yahoo.com if you have any questions.

Source: PDXBackstage



We are filming a short film within the next year and we need 4-6 female actresses!

If you are selected, you may have the opportunity for a speaking role!

The females will have to wear black bikinis...if you already own one, that is a definite plus!

Details about the film will follow upon interview.

Please include a short paragraph about yourself as well as a model photo.
When sending the email, please enter "Segurro" in the subject like as well as your name and date.

This is a non-paying job, but food will be provided as well as great experience, & casting credit!
We are planning on entering this short film into a lot of film festivals, and this will be great for exposure!
Serious inquires only please!

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


**Seattle Area**

Looking for 20s Male Actor to Play Scientist

Hello Performers Callboard Community,
I need an an actor to play the part of the father/scientist and it is a crucial part in my film. The actor should be in his 20s and older, the older the better and this is a no budget film but I can provide credit and a dvd copy. It is a sci-fi and supernatural short film and I envision the father to have a 1950s sleekness and father like sensibility and for the scientist a harsh and mechanical personality. If you wear glasses that would be another thumbs up. I will be shooting this wednsday from 10 am to 3 pm at the St. Edward State Park near Bothell, WA and as a backup plan I'm thinking of shooting maybe on friday or over the weekend, but I know its not the best time because it's the holiday season. Anyways, hope to hear from someone soon.
Looking out for the weather,

Reply to: Dexter Kim at


**Seattle Area**

EXTRAS WANTED for our project: "Happy Anniversary"

*An Alan Lee Baker Production*

*November 29th, 2010*


*Westside Olympia, WA*

*Mud Bay Coffee*

1600 Cooper Point Road Southwest #630**

We are an organization of film students that are putting together a film in
the Olympia area about a married man (Aaron ANTHONY) who on the same night
of his anniversary suffers a loss of which his wife shares no sympathy. Her
nit picking is far too much for him and with the help of a new acquaintance;
a homeless man, he will finally escape her evil clutches.

*Wanted:* Extras (Patrons walking along sidewalk and sitting at tables
within restaurant)

*Must:* Confirm call with email to:

Dress in formal dinner attire (Evening dresses for women and slacks and
dress shirts and jacket or full suit for men).

*Location of shoot: (*Westside Olympia) Mud Bay Coffee 1600 Cooper Point
Road Southwest #630**

*Compensation: *Food and copy of film. (Non-Union/Non-Paying)

Reply to: Confirm Call with

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