This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
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Actor and Actress needed for 1 day Portland shoot (Portland Oregon)
Hello there actors, looking for
1 Female age 18ish to 30ish clean cut and wholesome (no tattoos or piercings)
1 Male age 18ish-30ish clean cut and wholesome (no tattoos or piercings)
There will be a voice over and not too much memorizing- quick shoot in locations around Portland
Thank you very much and have a great day. (This will be a commercial for being a success story in a certain field. Script will be emailed after you have been chosen.)
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Source: Craigslist
Host wanted for - Weird in P-Town Webshow (Portland Metro Area)
Looking for a 1 or more host(hostesses) who are outgoing, like to talk to people and like to go to free events and be filmed. This is like fun news at fun events around portland. Usually last minute plans with anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 day notice, that is why I am looking for more than one person. So far I've done an episode on the UFO festival, Naked Bike Ride, and the soap box races (not posted yet) Check it out here:
My brazillian host is not reliable I need people who show up once they commit. There is no pay involved, however, if at some point we do start making money you would then be offered a paid position. As far as time commitment it is about 3-6 hours a month, 3 hours 1 show, 6 hours if 2 shows (not including commuting time). never more than 2 shows in a month.
About me, I'm a jr in film school and this has nothing to do with school - it is just a fun on the side hobby.
If interested, please email me with a link to a video of you talking to the camera, you can do it on your webcam - if you want or even on your cell phone, introduce yourself (stage name is fine), then tell me about your unique hobby, or introduce me to your dishes, i don't care, and dress kooky, I want someone who has no problem with dressing weird or appropriate for each event. Over 18 please, and Silly is good !! I might even make a show out of these videos..... ... so let me know in your email if you agree to have your audition video included into a show.
Thanks and I hope to hear from you.
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Open Auditions for New Musical
by Chris Tabor
Stage One Productions is seeking singer/actor/dancers for the original musical Recognition. Roles available for 1 African American man (30’s to 40’s), 3 women (30’s to 50’s), 2 teen girls, 1 African American girl to play 8-10 years old. All youth characters are in chairs. Actors of mixed ability encouraged to audition. Auditions Saturday, September 10. Prepare 16 bars; an accompanist will be provided. Production runs March 23-25 at Lincoln Hall on the PSU campus. All actors will be paid. For more information and to schedule an audition time, contact or .
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Source: PDX Backstage