This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Actress, 30-ish (Portland)
Seeking an actress to work with me on a local indie film project about a female psychopath. A big focus is on the psychological make-up of the character. Not a blood/gore fest. Pay would be based upon any revenue the film may make, which there are no guarantees. This is non-union and unfortunately not able to work with SAG actors due to budget constraints unless they can work outside the SAG guidelines. If interested, please send photos/resume (any skill level is welcome -- passion for the part and commitment to project is a bigger concern).
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Source: Craigslist
Need a busdriver for feature film (scappoose)
Need someone with a commercial driver's license to play a busdriver in a feature film. 3 hours on AUG 23rd for 50$
Please email if interested.
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Source: Craigslist
Verbose Film Casting Actors (Downtown)
We are casting actors for the first modern movie by Generation Y.
The film chronicles over sixty characters in a vast matrix of incessant correspondence.
It will scream our modern nausea. Our florescent nightmare.
It will speak for the first time all the grinding lives spent on one end of electronic data transfer.
The pace is swift, the talk exalted, the radical structure abandons all Baby Boomer formulas and cinematic conceits.
With this movie we will put the Baby Boomers to sleep.
Actors should be comfortable with stylized dialogue. Theater experience is preferable.
MALE ACTOR in his early twenties to play "Zane." The actor should be thin and fair-skinned with a fairly deep voice.
MALE ACTOR in his mid to late twenties to play a waiter. The actor should be of average height and weight with an appealing speaking voice.
MALE ACTOR in his late twenties to play an assistant corporate manager. The actor should be around 6'2'', muscular without resembling a body builder, with a square jaw and blonde hair.
MALE ACTOR in his mid to late twenties to play "Miles," a supervisor in a corporate bookstore. The actor should be tall and lean.
MALE ACTOR in his mid-thirties to play a furtive heroin addict. The actor should be of medium height with brown hair. He should be handsome, yet with a rough/weathered edge that makes his habit believable.
MALE ACTOR in his mid-thirties to play a businessman. The actor should be around 6' tall with a husky build.
MALE ACTOR in his mid-thirties to early forties to play "Treffrey." The actor should be small and bald with the ability to talk timidly.
MALE ACTOR in his early to mid-forties to play the general manager of a corporate bookstore. The actor should be around 5'10'', indoor type, with a lean build.
FEMALE ACTORS between the ages of 18 and 24 to play corporate waitresses. These actors should be cute and petite, with very feminine speaking voices.
FEMALE ACTOR between the ages of 18 and 21 to play "Diana." The actor should be petite with brown hair and a feminine speaking voice.
FEMALE ACTOR in her early twenties to play "Irene." The actor should be pretty and very feminine.
FEMALE ACTOR in her mid-twenties to play "Pauline." The actor should be petite and have brown hair.
FEMALE ACTOR in her forties to play a Maternal Woman. The actor should be very maternal looking and sounding.
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Source: Craigslist
Casting for Short Film
I am casting for an experimental short film and looking for the lead actor and actress between 18-25 years of age. You must have some acting ability with good physique and fun to work with. If interested respond with pictures, name and phone numbers.
Have a great day.
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Source: Craigslist
Casting Call for Feature
We'll Fix it in Post Productions is now casting talent for a new feature film which will be shooting in the next 6 weeks. Looking for men and women with strong improvisational skills. (please do not submit children there are NO roles for children)
Working Title: SIGN HOLDERS -- The Business Advertising Engineers of America
Director: Chris Wilson
Producers: Hollie Olson and Tim Wyndham
Story Idea by: Hollie Olson
Written by: Hollie Olson, Chris Wilson, Tim Feeney, Jonathan Senske
About the project:
SIGN HOLDERS -- The Business Advertising Engineers of America
This mockumentary feature film in the style of Christopher Guest (Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman) will follow several hard working men and women in the street sign holding industry and discover their dreams (fame and fortune) goals (the woman he wants) motivation (money to buy weed) and aspirations (control of the industry). What should be a simple story of someone needing a job in this tough economy it becomes much more as the two factions, those who wear costumes ("But we're artists!") and those who don't, (We don't need costumes, we spin signs!") and the impending UNION that will change their lives forever.
We will be casting all roles locally and encourage original thinking and performance.
Please send us a link to a video audition (youtube or vimeo) of a character you portray who would be interesting as one of the star sign holders our "documentary" crew will be interviewing and following.
We will not be sending sides, please improv a bit in charactor replying to the question: Why did you become a sign holder? If you want to dress up or ? Feel free, although it's not required.
You may read about our film company at
Our first live action short James Vs Reality has gone on to be selected for over 22 film festivals, WINNING two. This mockumentary feature is the first in a line up four feature films we will be doing in the next 7 years.
Please see the trailer here:

Source: Craigslist