Friday, February 25, 2011

Auditions: Friday, February 25, 2011

This page contains auditions posted on Friday, February 25, 2011.

We have made it to Friday, and for some out there, it will be another snow day! I learned that many auditions were canceled yesterday due to weather. Folks are starting to get auditions for Leverage, and are spreading the word about a new NBC Pilot being filmed in Portland, Oregon.

The questions have been presented to me regarding how one would get an audition for Leverage, and I would assume these are coming in through agencies. However, I have an acquaintance who isn't represented, but was called in for a Leverage casting. This made me did they nail that? Unfortunately, I don't know this acquaintance well enough to ask, but I do know they are very bold, and may have learned details about the casting and either just showed up, or contacted the casting director directly to inquire about auditioning. I am taking notes on becoming more forward in this industry in Portland, but in bigger cities, that is what an agent is for.

We have discussed the importance of networking, and attending networking events. Does having a drink with the right person move you forward in your career?

Let's continue this, and the week's very interesting discussions in the chat box below!

If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.



Casting Call for “No it’s NOT fine!” – a short film


F 20 – 30 Lead
Athletic. Some light jogging will be required for one of the scenes.

M 20 – 30 Supporting

All roles are paid according to screen time.

AUDITION: Wed March 2nd 8:30 PM

Upstairs Dance Studio at Wimbledon Square Apartments
2837 SE Colt Dr, Portland OR 97202

Please come in through the Main Office entrance. Then up the stairs to the dance studio opposite the Gym. Staff in the Office will be able to direct you up to us.

Plenty of Free Parking on the streets. DO NOT park in any Wimbledon Square lots or you could be towed.

SHOOT DATE: Sat. March 12th

Thanks for you time.

Reply to: Please send headshot and resume to

Source: Private Submission


Filming for They're Here this Saturday

I need some extras. No pay, but I'll provide sandwich makings and water.

I still also need at least one more Secret Service Agent/Mental Health worker. Must have dark suit and all white outfit: much like scrubs. There's one line from one of these guys (could be female, though), but nothing huge.

I also need two younger females for two scenes. It would be nice if one was quite short. She has to try to get her ET doll back from another girl, who stands about 5'2". Dress geeky. You can go as stereotypical as you want.

I'll be shooting a few scenes on a different day and will need one African-American male, and one willing to wear a tutu... must be willing to skewer stereotypes of hate groups.

Email me off list if you're interested in doing any of the roles with lines. Same goes for being extras. the call time for the Agents/Aides is 11am, and the two girls it's 2pm. Call time for extras is also 2pm. I need at least 5-10 extras.

Address is 1221 NW 11th Ave in Portland. Easy via transit, parking is street and you do have to pay. I may be able to help a little in that regard, but not a lot.

Guerrilla Penguin Producktions

Reply to:

Source: PDX Backstage


Broadway Rose Theatre Auditions - "Hairspray", "Ripper", Kids Productions

Broadway Rose Theatre auditions for the musicals Hairspray and Ripper and children's productions Rumpelstiltskin is My Name and The Frog Prince are by appointment only and will be:

General Auditions:

Sunday, March 6, 5 pm-10 pm (appointments still available 5pm – 6pm only, waiting list for other times)

Monday, March 7, 6 pm-10 pm (no appointments available – taking names for waiting list)

Tuesday, March8, 6 pm-10 pm (no appointments available – taking names for waiting list)

Auditions will be held at the Broadway Rose New Stage, 12850 SW Grant Ave., Tigard, OR 97223.

These are singing auditions only, reading and dance auditions will be held during callbacks. There will not be a dance audition at the initial auditions.

Hairspray, directed by Peggy Taphorn, musical direction by Rick Lewis, choreography by Jacob Toth.

- The role of the Edna has been cast.

- The callbacks will be held March14, 15 & 16 and will include a dance audition.

- Rehearsals: 5/31- 6/29, Tues– Fri 6-10pm., Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 1-10pm.

- Performances: 6/30-7/24.

Ripper, directed and choreographed by Abe Reybold, musical direction by Alan Lytle.

- All roles are available.

- The callbacks will beheld March 17, 18 & 19.

- Rehearsals: 6/27- 8/2,Tues – Fri 6-10pm., Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 1-10pm.

- Performances: 8/3- 8/21.

- Scripts are available for perusal by arrangement with Emma.

Rumpelstiltskin directed by Sharon Maroney and The Frog Prince directed by Annie Kaiser.

- These will be singing auditions only, no dance or readings.

- All roles are available.

- Must be available for daytime rehearsals and performances.

- Rumpelstiltskin,runs 7/13-7/16. Rehearsals 6/27-7/12, Mon-Sat 10am-2pm.

- The Frog Prince, runs 8/10-8/13. Rehearsals 7/25-8/9, Mon-Sat 10am-2pm.

Callbacks will be at the discretion of the directors and will beheld March 14-19. The Broadway Rose hires Equity Guest Artists and Non-Equity performers. Scripts are available for perusal by arrangement with Emma.

Note for all auditions:

- Please prepare 32 bars from musical theater in the style of the show. Song must be memorized. Bring sheet music in your own key (music will not be transposed). Accompanist will be provided. Be prepared to sing a second song if requested. No taped or acappella music.

- Women, please wear a dress or skirt.

- 17 years old and older please, except for the role of L'il Inez in Hairspray (see website character descriptions).

- Please bring a current non-returnable photo and resume.

- All ethnicities encouraged.

- Please bring your calendar to list your conflicts.

- Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled slot to give yourself time to complete the audition form.
Please see for character descriptions.

Reply to: Please call Emma at 503-906-2378 for an appointment.

Source: PDX Backstage


Short Film Verge Needs An Actress

Hey everyone, we recently have verge about 90% complete on the shooting side however we decided to add a few scenes in it. We are looking for an actress between the ages of 18-27 attractive to have a dinner scene with our lead. It is a speaking role with lines. The premise of the film is about a college student going through his first psychotic break. Outside of the dinner scene we may also add a scene of the two walking down the street flirting with one another. We plan on shooting these scenes sooner then later. Feel free to send me your headshot and resume and we can go from there.


Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


Actresses wanted for short film

I am a college student embarking on a short parody style film about a type of fetish films and how absurd they are. The films focus is to poke fun at those who watch these videos and those who make them. Looking for actresses to play particular roles in the piece portraying the types of people who act in these; which will include a mock interview with that character. The age range for the roles varies between 20 and 25 years of age.

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


Several Actors Needed for TV Spots

I'm producing three TV spots next week and am looking for the following roles to be filled by actors with some experience. These roles are:

Manager - male or female in their 40's who looks and sounds like someone with authority

Office Executive - male in their 30's who's in charge of the company's web site

2 Web Design Techs - male or female in their 20's who looks kind of nerdy, another male who looks rather messy and really does not care about his job

Please send a head shot (if you a have one) and a web link to a sample of your work on camera.

Will be shooting in Beaverton on Wednesday, March 2nd.

Compensation: $100 per role for 1-2 hours of work

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


Need for Actors from India

I am shooting a TV spot for an outsourcing company in India and need two actors who are Indian. I'm looking for two males, or a male and female, probably in their early to mid 20s. You should be able to speak very clear english as well as broken "Indian" english. We're showing a good example of outsourcing and a bad example.

We will be shooting on Wednesday, March 2nd in Beaverton. There is pay for your time.

I would like to see a sample of your acting if you have something to show on the web.

Compensation: $100 each for about 1-2 hours of work

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist
