This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
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Actors Needed for Short (Portland, OR)
An independent Film Collective, Sometimes a Great Production, is seeking actors for male and female parts for a short kitchen comedy. Among the roles we are seeking a woman who can play 35 to 45, a 20-year old woman, a latino man between 20-35, and several roles for males between 20 and 35. Please send contact info and a little about yourself to the included e-mail address.
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Source: Craigslist
Actress Needed For Voice Role
We are in post production on a short film and require an actress to provide the voice of a character talking off camera. It's the only dialogue in the film and it's crucial information so this isn't a throwaway part. It's two lines and we'd like to record on Monday November 28th if it's possible. Shouldn't take more than half an hour. Drop me an email if you're interested and I'll provide more info.
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Source: Craigslist
Elder Statesman Actors (Hillsboro)
Looking for two gentleman (late 30's- early 60's) to play roles in a short political farce. It will be a sort of Political cartoon which pokes fun at both Democrats and Republicans for being wildly different, and yet acting nearly identical. There will be food, it won't take long (an hour at most). Bring a suit, and a sense of humor.
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Source: Craigslist
Open Cast Call at the Art Institute of Portland (122 N.W. Davis Street Portland, OR 972)
When: December 10 2011
Where: The Art Institute of Portland 122 N.W. Davis Street Portland, OR 97209
Time: 10:30 -- 2:30
What: Senior Film students at The Art Institute of Portland are holding an open casting call for their upcoming Thesis films. With a totally of 15 thesis films beginning production in early 2012 . The call is seeking Roles of all ages. Please bring your headshots and Resumes, it is suggested to come earlier as the directors will be fresh and will ensure that you will be seen that day. This is a chance to meet the directors at AI, if you are liked, you will likely be called back for a specific productions casting session at a later date. The productions will be a mix of paid and non-paid films, this choice will vary from production to production, more information can be provided by specific directors.
Specifics of the roles needed will be updated here, but be aware that these roles are not set in stone and the listed requirements can be changed, so please come and give it a shot event if nothing seems to fit, at the very least it gets you known!
If you wish to be seen you must show up before 2:30 PM, this could be a long process please bring snacks. Sides will be provided for audition.
A general List of age groups, genders and some looks needed. If you dont meet the descriptions below do not worry, those are select statements from some of the directors. This is an OPEN CALL
Males 15-22
Males Mid 20's/ Early 30's (1 role Requires Tattoos, One Role:Boxer/Fighter build/Athletic
Females Mid 20's- Early 30's (1 role requires Tattoos, 1 role Requires red hair)
Male slate 30's -40's (Facial hair preferred for 2 roles, heads shots or in person is fine)
Males 50- 60's
Females 50-60's
Females 70's-80's (1 role preferred to be able speak Russian or other eastern
European language)

Males 70's- 80's (1 role preferred to be able speak Russian or other eastern
European language)
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Source: Craigslist