This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
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Actress Needed for Short Film Shoot 12/9-12/11 (Portland, OR)
Actress Needed for Short Film Shoot December 9th thru 11th.
This is the fifth and final short film in a series we have been doing. The previous 4 films in this series (as well as the trailer for my feature sLipPage, now in post-production) are available for viewing at
For this film I need an actress/model in the 18-25 age range. This part is one of the two lead roles. Acting experience preferred, but I'm looking for a certain look: beauty, sadness, seductiveness. Expressive eyes a must. Much of this film will be dialogue-free, so a specific look is more important than acting experience.
This gig is non-paying, so only apply if you appreciate the style of the shorts we have already done.
The previous shorts are entitled ENGAGE-FAIL, FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS, KILL! GREGO! KILL!, and THE GOLDEN SILKWORM. This fifth film is entitled TRUE FEELINGS.
Email headshots, questions, concerns, resumes.
Thank you for the interest!
- Bryan Hiltner, writer/director
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Source: PDX Backstage
Open auditions for "Let's Murder Marsha" at North End Players
Join us for open auditions of North End Players' production of the farce "Let's Murder Marsha" by Monk Ferris. Roles for 4 women, 3 men (ages ranging 25-60). Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script.
Also seeking: Assistant Director, Stage Manager, Lights, Sound, Props, etc.
When: December 6 and 7, 7pm-9pm
Where: The Bert Mann Theater at St Andrew's Episcopal Church, 7600 N Hereford Avenue, Portland, OR
Rehearsals will run Mon-Thu 7-9pm with performances scheduled Feb 24-26 and March 2-4
About the play:
Marsha, hopelessly addicted to reading murder mysteries, overhears her husband discussing her upcoming birthday surprise. To her ears it sounds like they are planning her murder! With the help of her next door neighbor she tries to turn the tables on them, resulting in further misunderstandings.
Reply to: John at
Source: PDX Backstage
Auditions for Original Musical @ Mask & Mirror
Mask & Mirror Community Theatre of Tigard and Tualatin will be auditioning teens through adults for singing and dancing roles in Robin Hood: The Musical; an original production with book, words and music by Tigard residents Glen and Sandy Libonati. Auditions will be held December 5 & 6 at Raleigh Hills K-8 School, 5225 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Portland , 97225. Performances will be at various venues in Tigard and Tualatin from Feb 24 to March 18, 2011. For complete audition information see or email with Robin Hood in the Subject line.
Mask & Mirror is a non-profit community theatre. All performing, production and operation positions are volunteer and unpaid.
Full Audition Information:
Mask & Mirror Community Theatre Auditions For:
Robin Hood - The Musical
A 2012 Tigard and Tualatin Traveling Show!
Whether you are new to the "Biz", or a veteran actor - we would love to have you join us at auditions for Mask & Mirror's First Musical!
Auditions and rehearsals will be held at:
Raleigh Hills K-8 School
5225 SW Scholls Ferry Road,
Portland , 97225
Performances: Dates and places TBD, but probably will open Feb 24, 2012 for 3 or 4 weekends at various venues in and around Tigard and Tualatin.
Rehearsals: First run through on Monday December 12th.
Regular rehearsals start on January 4th and 5th.
Rehearsals will then be every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday starting on January 9th through February 16th. There may be an occasional Saturday rehearsal added.
We will rehearse every night the final week before the show, starting on February 20th till we open on February 24th.
All Rehearsal times are 6:45 to 9:30pm.
Reading, Singing and Dance Auditions:
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm (No appointments necessary.)
Monday, December 5th and Tuesday, December 6th (Attending both dates is not required)
* Please bring current non-returnable photo and resume. (If you do not have a photo to bring, one will be taken of you at the audition.)
* Please bring your calendar to list any conflicts
Note for Auditions:
Script Reading
* Lines will be provided at auditions.
* To preview lines before auditions, please email us at:
(Please write "Robin Hood" in the subject line or your email might accidentally get tossed as Spam.)
* 16 bars from a Broadway Musical
* Bring sheet music in the correct key for you - No transposing at audition. Music must also be legible.
(If you do not have a song prepared - No worries. You can sing something simple for us like Happy Birthday or some other familiar song.)
* Accompanist will be provided. (No taped or a cappella music please)
* Short dance routine will be taught at audition
* If you plan to participate in the Dance audition, be sure to bring or wear comfortable clothes.
This will be fun for everyone . . . Hope to see you there!!
Robin Hood Casting Information
Parts include 8 male roles, 4 female roles, and 2 that can be either.
Bolded roles have vocal solo's and/or duets.
*For these roles, actors under the age of 18 may audition with parent/guardian's written consent.
*Robin Hood - A charismatic leader. Must sing and have some simple dance/movement ability. Male, age 18-30
*Maid Marion - Charming, fun and loyal to Robin. Must sing and have some simple dance/movement ability. Female, age 18 to 30
Narrator 1- Proper English type. Easily annoyed. Takes himself and his role very seriously. Male, age 30-60.
Narrator 2 - Young, energetic and a little cocky. Lead Hip Hop dancer. Male or female, age 18 to 25
Prince John - Full of himself. Tries to be evil and controlling but is truly a sniveling coward. Must sing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 30-50.
Sheriff- A whiney-weasel. Side-kick to Prince John. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 30 - 60. Also plays the role of: Tax Collector.
*Soldier 1 - Silly assistant to the sheriff. Male or female, age 20 - 40. Also plays the role of: Dancer #2 - must be able to dance hip hop.
*Soldier 2 - Mindless assistant to the Sheriff. Male, age 20 - 40. Also plays the role of: Dancer #3. Must be able dance hip hop. Also plays King Richard.
Friar Tuck - Outgoing, jolly fellow who just wants to be included. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 30-60. Also plays the part of: Town Crier and Archery Announcer.
*Little Jean - She might be small, but she'll never back down. Must be comfortable singing a simple duet and have easy dance/movement ability. Female, age 18 - 30. Also plays the role of: Townsperson.
Merry Man 1 - Robin's Main man, but a little slow. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 18-50. Also plays the part of: Townsperson
Merry Man 2 - Robin's tough guy. Will take anyone on to protect Robin . . .Except maybe, Little Jean. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 18-50. Also plays the part of: Townsperson
Lady 1 - Maid Marion's Main Lady in waiting. A fun, spry Grandma-type that is hard of hearing. Carries an "Ear Horn" with her at all times. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement - Female, age is: 60-80. Also plays the part of: Townperson
*Lady 2 - Maid Marion's Assistant. Keeps track of Lady 1 who is always wondering off. Also has a thing for Merry Man #2. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Female, age 18-25. Also plays the part of: Dorothy, (Yes, from the Wizard of Oz).
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Source: PDX Backstage
Seeking Crowd/Audience male and female 18-50 (SE Portland)
We are working on a public service announcement about secondhand smoke that takes place as a standup comedy and we need a few audience members. These shots will be looking back into the audience for reaction. As this is about secondhand smoke, the set will have simulated smoke in the form of a fog machine, so take this in to consideration when responding.
We are looking for males and females aged 18-50.
December 3rd, Saturday.
$25 for thirty minutes of filming.
Please send a photo if you would like to be considered for this part.
If you have any questions please email Alex.
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Source: Craigslist
Actor and Actress Needed for Short film
We are a college film crew creating a short christmas film for's XmasFest and we are looking for a talented actor 45-60 to play the part of a wise Bar Tender who helps a girl through s personal issue. W are looking for someone with a kind voice, gentle kind of 'fatherly' attitude, but at the same time deliver his lines an a realistic an snappy way.
Throughout the whole film you will just be talking to a girl (main character). So we will need from you; great talent to pull off the believable characters needed, your own way of transportation to the shoot, and availability for both days including one extra for reshoots if needed. We will also try our hardest to provide lunch for each day of shooting. But just in case bring a small lunch.
The film will be only 6 minuets long and we will be filming on the 9th and 10th of december from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm on both days. The alternate 3rd day of shooting isn't for sure yet, but we will get back to you asap. No locations yet, but we audition will likely be friday of this week at 12 pm - 3 pm
For more details on the audition date/location, shoot date/location, script and characters contact us! :D We cant wait to hear from you and look forward to having you on our set.
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Source: Craigslist
Actor and Actress Needed
We're making a book trailer to promote my novel COMPLICATION (to be released Spring 2012 by Soft Skull Press) and are looking for a couple actors to help us -
One woman - 25-35 or so, tall and thinnish. Dark a hair a plus.
One man, 30-45. Short hair preferred, and bald is a plus.
Actors would likely only need to be available for a single day, but additional availability would be a bonus. We'd be filming between Dec 8-10 and may have some flexibility to work around your schedule if need be.
This is a PAYING GIG -- we're offering $80 per day -- and everything goes smoothly, you'll be done in a few hours.
Sound like a fun way to pick up a little extra cash? If so, please send along a recent photo and let me know about any acting experience you may have.
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Source: Craigslist
Casting Call - Margo and Jones (PDX)
Casting call for new short film, MARGO AND JONES. Auditions will be held at the NW Film Center, this Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and December 4th, 2011. We will be casting from 11:30am to 4:30pm on both days.
NW Film Center
934 Southwest Salmon Street
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 221-1156
Please email us at if you are interested in auditioning for any of the roles. In your email please address which role(s) you are interested in auditioning for and what time you are available to audition. Also, please include your headshot as well as your current actor's resume if available.
Production is scheduled to shoot on the weekends of January 20th through February 12th. (Approximately 4 weekends)
How high would you go for a friend?
After their close friend David's medicinal marijuana dispensary is shut down, Margo and Jones try to acquire his prescription the illegal way. Attempting to buy marijuana off of high-school students, fleeing from police, and accidentally ingesting copious amount of prohibited narcotics create an once in a lifetime adventure for two middle aged ladies.
We are looking for several different roles to fill. Here is a list of the characters and their descriptions:
Margaret "Margo" Black
Margo is in her 40s. She is a very calm and collected individual whose feathers hardly ever get ruffled. She is always "put together" from her clothing to her non-chalant attitude. She doesn't like to show her emotions in public as she feels it is most unbecoming. This can make her seem a bit cold, but the smile on her lips suggests otherwise. Coy to a fault, but gentle and affectionate. She is the most introverted of the group. Margo is one of the lead architects at a thriving design firm.
Tracy Jones
Jones is in her 40s. Quite intelligent, she skipped a few grades of high-school, but her close connection to her inner child makes her appear juvenille and vapid. She is very free spirited in both attitude and dress contrasting to Margo's immaculate appearance. An easy-going prankster, Jones loves making people laugh and not taking life too seriously. Jones has gone through a few career paths, but has settled on her latest role as the owner of a successful yoga studio as well as a yoga instructor.
David Howard Pittman
David is in his 40s. The most extroverted of all, David is a true go-getter. Spontaneous and hardly ever willing to say no, David often gets into sticky patches and has to be bailed out by his friends. But that's why they love him so. David's mundane job as a financial advisor is heavily contrasted by his hobby of dressing in drag. He is the glue that holds all the characters together. He has been very courageous in his fight against non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer.
David was given a green card by his doctor in order for him to take medicinal marijuana to combat the side effects of chemo-therapy mainly the nausea. Embarrassed to smoke by himself, he convinced straight up alcoholics Margo and Jones to smoke with him.
Robert "Bob" Riley
Bob is in his late 40s early 50s. A straight-laced and cultured man of the world, Bob is often the butt of jokes and criticisms from Margo and Jones but only because he is David's boyfriend. Bob cares deeply for those around him and has nursed David through his entire cancer treatment. Bob is a man of few words in normal circumstances, but is quick to direct the troops in times of crisis.
Chases Jones during the high-school scene. Late 40s.
Police Officer

Pursues Margo and Jones on the road.
If you have any further questions or know someone perfect for one of the roles, feel free to contact us via email at
Thank you for your interest.
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Source: Craigslist