This post contains auditions posted on Monday, November 28, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Actress Needed for Short Film Shoot 12/9-12/11 (Portland, OR)
Actress Needed for Short Film Shoot December 9th thru 11th.
This is the fifth and final short film in a series we have been doing. The previous 4 films in this series (as well as the trailer for my feature sLipPage, now in post-production) are available for viewing at
For this film I need an actress/model in the 18-25 age range. This part is one of the two lead roles. Acting experience preferred, but I'm looking for a certain look: beauty, sadness, seductiveness. Expressive eyes a must. Much of this film will be dialogue-free, so a specific look is more important than acting experience.
This gig is non-paying, so only apply if you appreciate the style of the shorts we have already done.
The previous shorts are entitled ENGAGE-FAIL, FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS, KILL! GREGO! KILL!, and THE GOLDEN SILKWORM. This fifth film is entitled TRUE FEELINGS.
Email headshots, questions, concerns, resumes.
Thank you for the interest!
- Bryan Hiltner, writer/director
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Source: PDX Backstage
Open auditions for "Let's Murder Marsha" at North End Players
Join us for open auditions of North End Players' production of the farce "Let's Murder Marsha" by Monk Ferris. Roles for 4 women, 3 men (ages ranging 25-60). Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script.
Also seeking: Assistant Director, Stage Manager, Lights, Sound, Props, etc.
When: December 6 and 7, 7pm-9pm
Where: The Bert Mann Theater at St Andrew's Episcopal Church, 7600 N Hereford Avenue, Portland, OR
Rehearsals will run Mon-Thu 7-9pm with performances scheduled Feb 24-26 and March 2-4
About the play:
Marsha, hopelessly addicted to reading murder mysteries, overhears her husband discussing her upcoming birthday surprise. To her ears it sounds like they are planning her murder! With the help of her next door neighbor she tries to turn the tables on them, resulting in further misunderstandings.
Reply to: John at
Source: PDX Backstage
Auditions for Original Musical @ Mask & Mirror
Mask & Mirror Community Theatre of Tigard and Tualatin will be auditioning teens through adults for singing and dancing roles in Robin Hood: The Musical; an original production with book, words and music by Tigard residents Glen and Sandy Libonati. Auditions will be held December 5 & 6 at Raleigh Hills K-8 School, 5225 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Portland , 97225. Performances will be at various venues in Tigard and Tualatin from Feb 24 to March 18, 2011. For complete audition information see or email with Robin Hood in the Subject line.
Mask & Mirror is a non-profit community theatre. All performing, production and operation positions are volunteer and unpaid.
Full Audition Information:
Mask & Mirror Community Theatre Auditions For:
Robin Hood - The Musical
A 2012 Tigard and Tualatin Traveling Show!
Whether you are new to the "Biz", or a veteran actor - we would love to have you join us at auditions for Mask & Mirror's First Musical!
Auditions and rehearsals will be held at:
Raleigh Hills K-8 School
5225 SW Scholls Ferry Road,
Portland , 97225
Performances: Dates and places TBD, but probably will open Feb 24, 2012 for 3 or 4 weekends at various venues in and around Tigard and Tualatin.
Rehearsals: First run through on Monday December 12th.
Regular rehearsals start on January 4th and 5th.
Rehearsals will then be every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday starting on January 9th through February 16th. There may be an occasional Saturday rehearsal added.
We will rehearse every night the final week before the show, starting on February 20th till we open on February 24th.
All Rehearsal times are 6:45 to 9:30pm.
Reading, Singing and Dance Auditions:
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm (No appointments necessary.)
Monday, December 5th and Tuesday, December 6th (Attending both dates is not required)
* Please bring current non-returnable photo and resume. (If you do not have a photo to bring, one will be taken of you at the audition.)
* Please bring your calendar to list any conflicts
Note for Auditions:
Script Reading
* Lines will be provided at auditions.
* To preview lines before auditions, please email us at:
(Please write "Robin Hood" in the subject line or your email might accidentally get tossed as Spam.)
* 16 bars from a Broadway Musical
* Bring sheet music in the correct key for you - No transposing at audition. Music must also be legible.
(If you do not have a song prepared - No worries. You can sing something simple for us like Happy Birthday or some other familiar song.)
* Accompanist will be provided. (No taped or a cappella music please)
* Short dance routine will be taught at audition
* If you plan to participate in the Dance audition, be sure to bring or wear comfortable clothes.
This will be fun for everyone . . . Hope to see you there!!
Robin Hood Casting Information
Parts include 8 male roles, 4 female roles, and 2 that can be either.
Bolded roles have vocal solo's and/or duets.
*For these roles, actors under the age of 18 may audition with parent/guardian's written consent.
*Robin Hood - A charismatic leader. Must sing and have some simple dance/movement ability. Male, age 18-30
*Maid Marion - Charming, fun and loyal to Robin. Must sing and have some simple dance/movement ability. Female, age 18 to 30
Narrator 1- Proper English type. Easily annoyed. Takes himself and his role very seriously. Male, age 30-60.
Narrator 2 - Young, energetic and a little cocky. Lead Hip Hop dancer. Male or female, age 18 to 25
Prince John - Full of himself. Tries to be evil and controlling but is truly a sniveling coward. Must sing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 30-50.
Sheriff- A whiney-weasel. Side-kick to Prince John. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 30 - 60. Also plays the role of: Tax Collector.
*Soldier 1 - Silly assistant to the sheriff. Male or female, age 20 - 40. Also plays the role of: Dancer #2 - must be able to dance hip hop.
*Soldier 2 - Mindless assistant to the Sheriff. Male, age 20 - 40. Also plays the role of: Dancer #3. Must be able dance hip hop. Also plays King Richard.
Friar Tuck - Outgoing, jolly fellow who just wants to be included. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 30-60. Also plays the part of: Town Crier and Archery Announcer.
*Little Jean - She might be small, but she'll never back down. Must be comfortable singing a simple duet and have easy dance/movement ability. Female, age 18 - 30. Also plays the role of: Townsperson.
Merry Man 1 - Robin's Main man, but a little slow. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 18-50. Also plays the part of: Townsperson
Merry Man 2 - Robin's tough guy. Will take anyone on to protect Robin . . .Except maybe, Little Jean. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Male, age 18-50. Also plays the part of: Townsperson
Lady 1 - Maid Marion's Main Lady in waiting. A fun, spry Grandma-type that is hard of hearing. Carries an "Ear Horn" with her at all times. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement - Female, age is: 60-80. Also plays the part of: Townperson
*Lady 2 - Maid Marion's Assistant. Keeps track of Lady 1 who is always wondering off. Also has a thing for Merry Man #2. Ensemble singing & simple dance/movement. Female, age 18-25. Also plays the part of: Dorothy, (Yes, from the Wizard of Oz).
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Source: PDX Backstage
Seeking Crowd/Audience male and female 18-50 (SE Portland)
We are working on a public service announcement about secondhand smoke that takes place as a standup comedy and we need a few audience members. These shots will be looking back into the audience for reaction. As this is about secondhand smoke, the set will have simulated smoke in the form of a fog machine, so take this in to consideration when responding.
We are looking for males and females aged 18-50.
December 3rd, Saturday.
$25 for thirty minutes of filming.
Please send a photo if you would like to be considered for this part.
If you have any questions please email Alex.
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Source: Craigslist
Actor and Actress Needed for Short film
We are a college film crew creating a short christmas film for's XmasFest and we are looking for a talented actor 45-60 to play the part of a wise Bar Tender who helps a girl through s personal issue. W are looking for someone with a kind voice, gentle kind of 'fatherly' attitude, but at the same time deliver his lines an a realistic an snappy way.
Throughout the whole film you will just be talking to a girl (main character). So we will need from you; great talent to pull off the believable characters needed, your own way of transportation to the shoot, and availability for both days including one extra for reshoots if needed. We will also try our hardest to provide lunch for each day of shooting. But just in case bring a small lunch.
The film will be only 6 minuets long and we will be filming on the 9th and 10th of december from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm on both days. The alternate 3rd day of shooting isn't for sure yet, but we will get back to you asap. No locations yet, but we audition will likely be friday of this week at 12 pm - 3 pm
For more details on the audition date/location, shoot date/location, script and characters contact us! :D We cant wait to hear from you and look forward to having you on our set.
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Source: Craigslist
Actor and Actress Needed
We're making a book trailer to promote my novel COMPLICATION (to be released Spring 2012 by Soft Skull Press) and are looking for a couple actors to help us -
One woman - 25-35 or so, tall and thinnish. Dark a hair a plus.
One man, 30-45. Short hair preferred, and bald is a plus.
Actors would likely only need to be available for a single day, but additional availability would be a bonus. We'd be filming between Dec 8-10 and may have some flexibility to work around your schedule if need be.
This is a PAYING GIG -- we're offering $80 per day -- and everything goes smoothly, you'll be done in a few hours.
Sound like a fun way to pick up a little extra cash? If so, please send along a recent photo and let me know about any acting experience you may have.
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Source: Craigslist
Casting Call - Margo and Jones (PDX)
Casting call for new short film, MARGO AND JONES. Auditions will be held at the NW Film Center, this Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and December 4th, 2011. We will be casting from 11:30am to 4:30pm on both days.
NW Film Center
934 Southwest Salmon Street
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 221-1156
Please email us at if you are interested in auditioning for any of the roles. In your email please address which role(s) you are interested in auditioning for and what time you are available to audition. Also, please include your headshot as well as your current actor's resume if available.
Production is scheduled to shoot on the weekends of January 20th through February 12th. (Approximately 4 weekends)
How high would you go for a friend?
After their close friend David's medicinal marijuana dispensary is shut down, Margo and Jones try to acquire his prescription the illegal way. Attempting to buy marijuana off of high-school students, fleeing from police, and accidentally ingesting copious amount of prohibited narcotics create an once in a lifetime adventure for two middle aged ladies.
We are looking for several different roles to fill. Here is a list of the characters and their descriptions:
Margaret "Margo" Black
Margo is in her 40s. She is a very calm and collected individual whose feathers hardly ever get ruffled. She is always "put together" from her clothing to her non-chalant attitude. She doesn't like to show her emotions in public as she feels it is most unbecoming. This can make her seem a bit cold, but the smile on her lips suggests otherwise. Coy to a fault, but gentle and affectionate. She is the most introverted of the group. Margo is one of the lead architects at a thriving design firm.
Tracy Jones
Jones is in her 40s. Quite intelligent, she skipped a few grades of high-school, but her close connection to her inner child makes her appear juvenille and vapid. She is very free spirited in both attitude and dress contrasting to Margo's immaculate appearance. An easy-going prankster, Jones loves making people laugh and not taking life too seriously. Jones has gone through a few career paths, but has settled on her latest role as the owner of a successful yoga studio as well as a yoga instructor.
David Howard Pittman
David is in his 40s. The most extroverted of all, David is a true go-getter. Spontaneous and hardly ever willing to say no, David often gets into sticky patches and has to be bailed out by his friends. But that's why they love him so. David's mundane job as a financial advisor is heavily contrasted by his hobby of dressing in drag. He is the glue that holds all the characters together. He has been very courageous in his fight against non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer.
David was given a green card by his doctor in order for him to take medicinal marijuana to combat the side effects of chemo-therapy mainly the nausea. Embarrassed to smoke by himself, he convinced straight up alcoholics Margo and Jones to smoke with him.
Robert "Bob" Riley
Bob is in his late 40s early 50s. A straight-laced and cultured man of the world, Bob is often the butt of jokes and criticisms from Margo and Jones but only because he is David's boyfriend. Bob cares deeply for those around him and has nursed David through his entire cancer treatment. Bob is a man of few words in normal circumstances, but is quick to direct the troops in times of crisis.
Chases Jones during the high-school scene. Late 40s.
Police Officer
Pursues Margo and Jones on the road.
If you have any further questions or know someone perfect for one of the roles, feel free to contact us via email at
Thank you for your interest.
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Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Actors Needed for Short (Portland, OR)
An independent Film Collective, Sometimes a Great Production, is seeking actors for male and female parts for a short kitchen comedy. Among the roles we are seeking a woman who can play 35 to 45, a 20-year old woman, a latino man between 20-35, and several roles for males between 20 and 35. Please send contact info and a little about yourself to the included e-mail address.
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Source: Craigslist
Actress Needed For Voice Role
We are in post production on a short film and require an actress to provide the voice of a character talking off camera. It's the only dialogue in the film and it's crucial information so this isn't a throwaway part. It's two lines and we'd like to record on Monday November 28th if it's possible. Shouldn't take more than half an hour. Drop me an email if you're interested and I'll provide more info.
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Source: Craigslist
Elder Statesman Actors (Hillsboro)
Looking for two gentleman (late 30's- early 60's) to play roles in a short political farce. It will be a sort of Political cartoon which pokes fun at both Democrats and Republicans for being wildly different, and yet acting nearly identical. There will be food, it won't take long (an hour at most). Bring a suit, and a sense of humor.
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Source: Craigslist
Open Cast Call at the Art Institute of Portland (122 N.W. Davis Street Portland, OR 972)
When: December 10 2011
Where: The Art Institute of Portland 122 N.W. Davis Street Portland, OR 97209
Time: 10:30 -- 2:30
What: Senior Film students at The Art Institute of Portland are holding an open casting call for their upcoming Thesis films. With a totally of 15 thesis films beginning production in early 2012 . The call is seeking Roles of all ages. Please bring your headshots and Resumes, it is suggested to come earlier as the directors will be fresh and will ensure that you will be seen that day. This is a chance to meet the directors at AI, if you are liked, you will likely be called back for a specific productions casting session at a later date. The productions will be a mix of paid and non-paid films, this choice will vary from production to production, more information can be provided by specific directors.
Specifics of the roles needed will be updated here, but be aware that these roles are not set in stone and the listed requirements can be changed, so please come and give it a shot event if nothing seems to fit, at the very least it gets you known!
If you wish to be seen you must show up before 2:30 PM, this could be a long process please bring snacks. Sides will be provided for audition.
A general List of age groups, genders and some looks needed. If you dont meet the descriptions below do not worry, those are select statements from some of the directors. This is an OPEN CALL
Males 15-22
Males Mid 20's/ Early 30's (1 role Requires Tattoos, One Role:Boxer/Fighter build/Athletic
Females Mid 20's- Early 30's (1 role requires Tattoos, 1 role Requires red hair)
Male slate 30's -40's (Facial hair preferred for 2 roles, heads shots or in person is fine)
Males 50- 60's
Females 50-60's
Females 70's-80's (1 role preferred to be able speak Russian or other eastern
European language)
Males 70's- 80's (1 role preferred to be able speak Russian or other eastern
European language)
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Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Actor Wanted for Feature Film (Portland)
We still need a main actor for a feature film being shot in Portland. We are about halfway finished and will resume filming next month. We are looking for a skinny, blond haired, man in his 20's to 30's. The part calls for character who's a bit creepy, so if you think you could fit that description please send us a headshot.
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Source: Craigslist
Audition for Fertile Ground musical "One Day"
Seeking one male aged 11-16 to join ensemble cast of young professionals in Fertile Ground musical, "One Day." This is a paid job.
Reply to: Audition info/schedule/contact at Official show
Source: PDX Backstage
OVER THE TAVERN to audition at Theatre in the Grove!
Theatre in the Grove announces auditions for OVER THE TAVERN, Tom
Dudzick's funny and touching play about the trials and tribulations
of a Catholic family living over a tavern in 1959.
Auditions will be held at Theatre in the Grove's Main Street Studio,
2011 Main Street, Forest Grove, on December 12 and 13 at 6:30
PM. Directed by Jeanna Van Dyke, the play will perform February
24,25,26 and March 2,3,4,9,10,&11, 2012.
The roles for young people include Rudy, a precocious 12 year old boy
that can do impersonations, a 13 year old boy with a mental age of 3,
a 15 year old boy that likes comics and magazines and a 16 year old
girl with a fondness for Twinkies.
Adult roles include a 35 to 45 year old woman, a 60 to 70 year old
woman, and a 40 to 50 year old man.
All roles are open. Actors do not need to be the ages as described,
but must be able to play those ages. Auditions will consist of
readings from the script. Prepared monologues are welcome, but not
necessary. Anyone auditioning for the role of 12 year old Rudy
should be prepared to do an Ed Sullivan impersonation.
All roles are volunteer.
The script is available to preview by visiting
Reply to: For more information or questions, please e-mail or call 503-359-5349.
Source: PDX Backstage
Portland Playhouse seeks Stage Manager
PORTLAND PLAYHOUSE is seeking a non-equity Stage Manager for their
January production of FAMISHED by Eugenia Woods, directed by Megan
Kate Ward.
Rehearsals begin December 13th.
Show opens January 21st
Show closes February 12th.
Paid position. Has potential to expand through the remainder of the season.
Reply to: Please e-mail Liam Kaas-Lentz, production manager, if interested.
Source: PDX Backstage
Produced by New Century Players & Rex Putnam High School
Open to anyone 14 and up. (Younger African-American girls WILL be seen!)
Audition Requirements:
32 bars of of one upbeat song (preferably not from this specific musical.)
A dance combo will be taught and performed at the initial audition
Please bring resume/headshot if available!
Please arrive at either 5pm or 7pm on either audition date.
Be prepared to fill out an audition form, learn a brief dance combo to be performed in a small group, and sing your song.
Accompanist will be provided. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes to move in. (No heels, flip/flops, tight jeans...etc.)
Rehearsals will begin with a few in December and then full time 5-6 days a week in January
Show Dates: February 10-19th, 2012
This is a community theatre, non-paying production.
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Source: PDX Backstage
This post contains auditions posted on Friday, November 18, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Muse Model Management Open Call (Portland)
Come in and see us any Thursday 4pm sharp, at our office in downtown Portland. Casual attire is fine. Little or no makeup for women is preferred.
Our office is located at:
Note: For our market, a specific height range is generally required. For girls, this is 5'7" to 6'. For guys it's 5'11" to 6'3". There are exceptions, but please keep this in mind. We represent women 13 years old + and guys 16+.
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Source: Craigslist
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Comedy Film Series - Actress for lead
Putting together a string of short pieces under the same guise of addressing commonly stressful situations in an absurdly calm manner and then in an absurdly honest manner; a very comedic premise. I am looking for an actress to perform in these bits, she is in her mid 20s and is a very bland, unmoved character as fits the concept of the pieces. No experience necessary.
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Source: Craigslist
Actress - comedy series piece
I am putting together a series of short comedy pieces, approx. 5 minutes in length, and am looking for an actress to play the role of a student named Crystal, and the uncomfortable encounter she faces with a fellow student who's on a strange new medication. Good character for someone who can play comedy and tension well. No experience required.
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Source: Craigslist
Improv Actors Storytellers wanted (Downtown Portland)
Wanted: Multiple Actors or Storytellers for an experimental improvisational film to be screened at an event coming soon. This is not a paid gig but it is worth checking out.
I am looking for one minute or less of on-camera monologue from multiple storytellers, each being a head & shoulders', shot against green-screen. Here is the set-up:
Imagine how the Apocalypse might happen in the near future.
now Imagine you are from that future speaking through a time portal to us in the past. Describe what happened. Ask your listeners to affect some change that might avert the apocalypse from ever happening.
You must try to portray a believable character.
You can be funny, serious, mad, desperate or any mix
Come as your character (no wardrobe or make-up provided but there is a make-up and changing room)
No minors. 18 and up.
Filming will be limited to one or two takes of less than one minute each.
Shooting to occur this Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011 at a downtown Portland film studio between 10 AM -- 6PM
Interested applicants contact this listing to schedule.
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Source: Craigslist
Actors needed for student thesis film.
HEART is an experimental-narrative about the Kierkowzki brothers' struggle with adult coping and learning how to let themselves live.
Lead Role
JONAS KIERKOWZKI: 27 - 35 year old male. Jonas relies on minimalism in every facet of his life. His minimalism serves as a means to quell the guilt and terror he inflicts on himself as a result of witnessing his brother's childhood death. Sharing the burden of their brother's death, Jonas is very close with his brother Kevin.
Lead Role
KEVIN KIERKOWZKI: 27 - 35 year old male. World-renowned astro-physicist, Kevin balances his time between new discoveries within the multiverse and making the existential choice to die.
Supporting Role
BENJAMIN WALTERS: 25 - 30 year old male. A grant writer for the conservation of wild spaces, Ben is the well-balanced intermediary between the Kierkowzki brothers. Having dated Kevin for some time, it became clear to all parties involved that Jonas would benefit from inclusion in the relationship. While not conventional, their relationship with Ben provides the most stability in the lives of the brothers.
Minor Role
EVELYN KIERKOWZKI: 50 - 60 year old woman. Mother of the Kierkowzki boys, Evelyn is the salt of the Earth.
Minor Role
MISHTA: 25 year old East Indian woman. Nurse.
Minor Role
DR. AZZOUZ: 45 - 50 year old Middle Eastern woman. Doctor. Also the salt of the Earth.
Production will occur in February/March 2012 with auditions in December. No acting experience required; prepare for extensive, sometimes unconventional rehearsing. Because these are unpaid roles, we are prepared to be flexible with schedules.
Please reply with a copy of resume, head shots and brief bio.
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Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Thursday, November 17, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Models Needed for Soon to be Marketed Clothing Line (Portland )
This shoot is open to all Female Models of any ethnicity, height, and experience level. (Amateurs are welcomed)
There will be an interview process to screen prospective models based on look. We are highlighting between eight and ten distinctive looks, from skin tone to hair and eye color.
There will be two photographers that will be shooting each individual subject. Content includes: lingerie, night wear, evening dresses, cocktail dresses, form fitting frocks/ summer dresses, and assorted jackets both short and long.
Models to do: night wear, lingerie, evening dresses & cocktail dresses must be over the age of 18. Models to do: frocks, summer dresses & jackets are allowed to be 15 or older. No exceptions.
There is a down payment in compensation for this showing once you have been selected.
Acting experience is a bonus in considering you for the job. We are looking for people able to an give emotive look for the camera - female coach/producer will be on set to supervise.
Compensation: Starting wage per hour: $25; Highest Possible Compensation: $110
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Source: Craigslist
Auditions-"Marvin's Room" & "A Barrel Full of Pennies"
1 PM to 4 PM
Sandy Actors Theatre
14733 Meinig Ave. (behind Ace Hardware)
Sandy, OR 97055
MARVIN'S ROOM by Scott McPherson
Performance dates: February 10 through March 4, 2012
Directed by Dalene Young
Drama Desk award winner for Best Play. A hilarious and wondrous story of one woman's commitment to loving her family first and her belief that giving such love has made her life unbelievably rich, even as she faces her own pain and loss
Roles available:
1. Dr. Charlotte -- female, 35-50 yrs., assertive, but compassionate psychiatrist, head of mental institution for youth (small part).
2. Retirement Home Director -- female, 35-50 yrs., proper, pleasant, and P.C. (small part)
3. Bob -- male, 40-50 yrs., brother of Dr. Wally, tries to please, but socially inept (small part)
4. Marvin -- male, 60-70 yrs., Bessie and Lee's aging father, unable to speak except in groans and giggles (small part). (Bob & Marvin will likely be doubled by the same actor.)
5. Other roles (Bessie, Lee, Ruth, Hank, Charlie, Dr. Wally) have been pre-cast.
Performance dates: April 6 through April 29, 2012
Directed by Tim Park
A lighthearted, joyful story of a lovable and zany family with a penchant for taking in all the strays of the world -- animals, ducks, and people -- whose paths cross theirs. A smart, quick-paced comedy that has been called "a small-cast 'You Can't Take It With You'".
All roles available:
1. Adonis Samaritan -- male, 50-65 yrs., quirky, compassionate cab driver, willing to 'give you the shirt off his back' (main role)
2. Mina Samaritan -- female, 50-65 yrs., bustling, rotund, sharp-tongued 'Jewish-Armenian-Christian' mother (main role)
3. Alicia Samaritan -- female, 18-30 yrs., frustrated, but loving daughter, embarrassed by her parents' lifestyle (main role)
4. Alvin -- male, 18-30 yrs., off-the-wall folksong writer, with a serious inferiority complex, saved from self-destruction by Adonis (main role)
5. Cousin Lu -- female, 40-70 yrs., a family 'guest', wisplike, with an exclamatory 'Oh-h-h' that the author describes as 'the sigh of relief from a flatulent butterfly' (supporting role)
6. Uncle Nemo -- male, 60-75 yrs., an amnesiac family 'guest', who Adonis accidentally hit with his taxi 30 years before, and has stayed with the family ever since (supporting role)
NOTE: Auditions will be cold readings from the scripts. However, headshots, resumes, and/or monologues are welcome, but not required. (If you have a prepared monologue, you will be given the opportunity to share it as an additional basis for consideration.) All are welcome and no experience is necessary.
We also are recruiting crew positions (Stage Mgr., Asst., Stage Mgr., Lights & Sound technicians, Costumers, Props, Set Builders, Set Painters) for these productions. If interested in these areas, please attend the auditions.
Sandy Actors Theatre provides limited stipends to all cast and crew to cover expenses (travel, etc.)
Reply to: For additional information, e-mail or phone Tim Park at (503) 869-6183.
Source: Craigslist
Auditions for Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis
Third Eye Theatre will be holding open auditions for their production of Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis, an evening of four one acts. The play's run dates are Thursday Jan. 19- Sunday Feb. 12, 2012, with performances on Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 pm and Sundays at 7:00 pm. Note: There will only be one Thursday performance (Jan. 19th). Also, there will not be performances on Jan. 20th or 28th. Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis will participate in Fertile Ground 2012 new play festival.
Parts are for over a dozen male and female parts of varying ages ranging from 18-70 or older. Grand Guignol is a French theatrical genre involving graphic violence and farce. Actors should be comfortable with very personally invasive character work, physical comedy, and intense performances.
Auditions will consist of cold readings from the scripts and will be held at the Kenton Masonic Lodge at 8130 N. Denver Avenue (accessible by Max-Yellow Line, #4, & #6 bus lines) on Nov. 26th at 2:00 pm and Nov. 29th at 7:00 pm. Head shot & resume requested but not required. Contact Third Eye Theatre at (503) 970-8874 for more information.
Note: All positions are unpaid & voluntary.
Third Eye Theatre will also be doing two readings as a part of the Fertile Ground new play festival so we are looking for plenty of actors!
See below for a breakdown of this year's Grand Guignol Scripts:
Grand Guignol is a French style of theatre also known as "the theatre of terror." It is a theatrical style that was the basis of modern day horror, and has been being produced by Third Eye Theatre for the past three seasons. Third Eye Theatre's Grand Guignol is always composed of at least four one-act vignettes, and one notable M.C. in what might be best described as live, horror, cabaret. So, come join our M.C. Monsieur Guignol for a roller-coaster ride of comedy and horror in our new play, modern Grand Guignol series.
Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis is composed of four world premiere one-acts. The Faith Healer by Matt Hanf is a comedy about two women and their quest to heal what ails them. Bedford's Sty by Daniel Guyton is a thriller about what happens when Bedford, a disabled man, and his caregiver, when Bedford realizes the past while cleaning his room. Operation Midnight Climax by Ron Burch is a dark comedy about the war inside one man's head when he is drugged against his will. The Mistaken Lover by Martha Patterson, is a classic Grand Guignol horror about what happens when one man suspects his wife of cheating.
Source: Craigslist
Actresses needed for documentary (McMinnville, OR)
Shooting a documentary on the subject of the world of psychics and ESP. Need two fun pretty energetic ladies (ages between 18 thru 30) comfortable on camera to act as subjects to sit at a table and participate with a mind reader/mentalist. No rehearsed lines required. Just participate in the mind reading experiments with good expressions of laughter and amazement multiple times as we may need to repeat many times. I will need you to be entertained, amazed, and hang on the mind readers every word as if it is the coolest thing you've ever seen - even if we have to have you be amazed at nothing.
Shoot will take approximately 2-4 hours.
Pay is $100 for the day.
To be Shot in studio in McMinnville, Oregon.
Shoot date to be determined but probably during the first couple weeks of December.
No 'professiona'l experience required.
Please send head shots, resume or contact info, and links to any clips of video in which you have participated.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Casting for short film (downtown PDX and St. Johns)
Short film Shoot - Extras needed - Non-Paid gig
Posted by: NPG Productions
I'm Seeking :
Japanese/ Asian & White Males
One Female Japanese /Asian lead
Start Date:
Nov 27, 2011
Portland, Oregon, United States
NPG Productions is a small production company in Portland Oregon consisting of talented film makers.
We are looking for extras to join us in our upcoming shoot Sun the 27th. We need Asian and Caucasian men (Any age)
Also looking for an Asian woman (lead) from ages 18-30.
If you are interested/available please e-mail me. Send recent head shot, reel, and/or links of recent films.
Thank you
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
2 Actresses Wanted - Comedy Sketch
I am a college media and film major, who is embarking on a long-term project of short pieces, or sketches of you will, for a comedic variety-type program. I am prepped for a short piece, about 3 to 5 minutes in length, and am looking for 2 actresses to perform (would need to be approx. 20 years in age as they're portraying college students). The concept is, Malia, a student goes to a study hall and finds herself sitting across from a guy she's attracted to an decides to start playing footsie with him only not realizing he has gone and girl, Alexis, has taken her spot.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Auditions-"Marvin's Room" & "A Barrel Full of Pennies"
1 PM to 4 PM
Sandy Actors Theatre
14733 Meinig Ave. (behind Ace Hardware)
Sandy, OR 97055
MARVIN'S ROOM by Scott McPherson
Performance dates: February 10 through March 4, 2012
Directed by Dalene Young
Drama Desk award winner for Best Play. A hilarious and wondrous story of one woman's commitment to loving her family first and her belief that giving such love has made her life unbelievably rich, even as she faces her own pain and loss
Roles available:
1. Dr. Charlotte -- female, 35-50 yrs., assertive, but compassionate psychiatrist, head of mental institution for youth (small part).
2. Retirement Home Director -- female, 35-50 yrs., proper, pleasant, and P.C. (small part)
3. Bob -- male, 40-50 yrs., brother of Dr. Wally, tries to please, but socially inept (small part)
4. Marvin -- male, 60-70 yrs., Bessie and Lee's aging father, unable to speak except in groans and giggles (small part). (Bob & Marvin will likely be doubled by the same actor.)
5. Other roles (Bessie, Lee, Ruth, Hank, Charlie, Dr. Wally) have been pre-cast.
Performance dates: April 6 through April 29, 2012
Directed by Tim Park
A lighthearted, joyful story of a lovable and zany family with a penchant for taking in all the strays of the world -- animals, ducks, and people -- whose paths cross theirs. A smart, quick-paced comedy that has been called "a small-cast 'You Can't Take It With You'".
All roles available:
1. Adonis Samaritan -- male, 50-65 yrs., quirky, compassionate cab driver, willing to 'give you the shirt off his back' (main role)
2. Mina Samaritan -- female, 50-65 yrs., bustling, rotund, sharp-tongued 'Jewish-Armenian-Christian' mother (main role)
3. Alicia Samaritan -- female, 18-30 yrs., frustrated, but loving daughter, embarrassed by her parents' lifestyle (main role)
4. Alvin -- male, 18-30 yrs., off-the-wall folksong writer, with a serious inferiority complex, saved from self-destruction by Adonis (main role)
5. Cousin Lu -- female, 40-70 yrs., a family 'guest', wisplike, with an exclamatory 'Oh-h-h' that the author describes as 'the sigh of relief from a flatulent butterfly' (supporting role)
6. Uncle Nemo -- male, 60-75 yrs., an amnesiac family 'guest', who Adonis accidentally hit with his taxi 30 years before, and has stayed with the family ever since (supporting role)
NOTE: Auditions will be cold readings from the scripts. However, headshots, resumes, and/or monologues are welcome, but not required. (If you have a prepared monologue, you will be given the opportunity to share it as an additional basis for consideration.) All are welcome and no experience is necessary.
We also are recruiting crew positions (Stage Mgr., Asst., Stage Mgr., Lights & Sound technicians, Costumers, Props, Set Builders, Set Painters) for these productions. If interested in these areas, please attend the auditions.
Sandy Actors Theatre provides limited stipends to all cast and crew to cover expenses (travel, etc.)
Reply to: For additional information, e-mail or phone Tim Park at (503) 869-6183.
Source: Craigslist
Auditions for Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis
Third Eye Theatre will be holding open auditions for their production of Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis, an evening of four one acts. The play's run dates are Thursday Jan. 19- Sunday Feb. 12, 2012, with performances on Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 pm and Sundays at 7:00 pm. Note: There will only be one Thursday performance (Jan. 19th). Also, there will not be performances on Jan. 20th or 28th. Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis will participate in Fertile Ground 2012 new play festival.
Parts are for over a dozen male and female parts of varying ages ranging from 18-70 or older. Grand Guignol is a French theatrical genre involving graphic violence and farce. Actors should be comfortable with very personally invasive character work, physical comedy, and intense performances.
Auditions will consist of cold readings from the scripts and will be held at the Kenton Masonic Lodge at 8130 N. Denver Avenue (accessible by Max-Yellow Line, #4, & #6 bus lines) on Nov. 26th at 2:00 pm and Nov. 29th at 7:00 pm. Head shot & resume requested but not required. Contact Third Eye Theatre at (503) 970-8874 for more information.
Note: All positions are unpaid & voluntary.
Third Eye Theatre will also be doing two readings as a part of the Fertile Ground new play festival so we are looking for plenty of actors!
See below for a breakdown of this year's Grand Guignol Scripts:
Grand Guignol is a French style of theatre also known as "the theatre of terror." It is a theatrical style that was the basis of modern day horror, and has been being produced by Third Eye Theatre for the past three seasons. Third Eye Theatre's Grand Guignol is always composed of at least four one-act vignettes, and one notable M.C. in what might be best described as live, horror, cabaret. So, come join our M.C. Monsieur Guignol for a roller-coaster ride of comedy and horror in our new play, modern Grand Guignol series.
Grand Guignol 4: Psychosis is composed of four world premiere one-acts. The Faith Healer by Matt Hanf is a comedy about two women and their quest to heal what ails them. Bedford's Sty by Daniel Guyton is a thriller about what happens when Bedford, a disabled man, and his caregiver, when Bedford realizes the past while cleaning his room. Operation Midnight Climax by Ron Burch is a dark comedy about the war inside one man's head when he is drugged against his will. The Mistaken Lover by Martha Patterson, is a classic Grand Guignol horror about what happens when one man suspects his wife of cheating.
Source: Craigslist
Actresses needed for documentary (McMinnville, OR)
Shooting a documentary on the subject of the world of psychics and ESP. Need two fun pretty energetic ladies (ages between 18 thru 30) comfortable on camera to act as subjects to sit at a table and participate with a mind reader/mentalist. No rehearsed lines required. Just participate in the mind reading experiments with good expressions of laughter and amazement multiple times as we may need to repeat many times. I will need you to be entertained, amazed, and hang on the mind readers every word as if it is the coolest thing you've ever seen - even if we have to have you be amazed at nothing.
Shoot will take approximately 2-4 hours.
Pay is $100 for the day.
To be Shot in studio in McMinnville, Oregon.
Shoot date to be determined but probably during the first couple weeks of December.
No 'professiona'l experience required.
Please send head shots, resume or contact info, and links to any clips of video in which you have participated.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Casting for short film (downtown PDX and St. Johns)
Short film Shoot - Extras needed - Non-Paid gig
Posted by: NPG Productions
I'm Seeking :
Japanese/ Asian & White Males
One Female Japanese /Asian lead
Start Date:
Nov 27, 2011
Portland, Oregon, United States
NPG Productions is a small production company in Portland Oregon consisting of talented film makers.
We are looking for extras to join us in our upcoming shoot Sun the 27th. We need Asian and Caucasian men (Any age)
Also looking for an Asian woman (lead) from ages 18-30.
If you are interested/available please e-mail me. Send recent head shot, reel, and/or links of recent films.
Thank you
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
2 Actresses Wanted - Comedy Sketch
I am a college media and film major, who is embarking on a long-term project of short pieces, or sketches of you will, for a comedic variety-type program. I am prepped for a short piece, about 3 to 5 minutes in length, and am looking for 2 actresses to perform (would need to be approx. 20 years in age as they're portraying college students). The concept is, Malia, a student goes to a study hall and finds herself sitting across from a guy she's attracted to an decides to start playing footsie with him only not realizing he has gone and girl, Alexis, has taken her spot.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Casting Call for Staged Readings
PDX Playwrights will present staged readings of 19 different plays in January. To save time, we invite actors to submit headshots and resumes to a single email address:
fertileground2012 [at]
Your info will forward directly to all of the 12 authors listed below. You may be contacted by one, several, or none of them.
Karen Alexander-Brown -TRIPTYCH AMERICANA
Kate Belden - GREEN
Jeremy Benjamin - SKIN GARDEN
Amy Doherty - KOOKABURRA
Miriam Feder - EPHEMORY
Jenni GreenMiller - A SIMPLE THREAD
Debbie Lamedman - THIS IS TEMPORARY
John Servilio - MANFUL!
Full descriptions of the plays and what actors each needs are available at:
These plays will be shown during the Fertile Ground festival of new works, January 19-29, 2012. Rehearsal schedule and how much actors get paid varies depending on the production.
Just to be clear, Fertile Ground ( and PDX Playwrights ( are two separate organizations. For more info about the city-wide festival, please visit their website.
Reply to: fertileground2012 [at]
Source: PDX Backstage
Hey All,
We are casting for a feature entitled, "Be Meaner," to be shot starting the beginning of February, 2012. The budget is about to begin raising on Kickstarter (Nov. 15th), which is looking really smart. There will be rehearsals beginning once the cast has been selected. The rehearsals will start Twice a Week, on Monday and Thursday Nights from 7-10 PM, but will move onto 3 days a week (Tuesday), before filming. We are looking to pay everyone $100 for each filming day. Casting is on November 28th, 29th & 30th from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Please look at the Cast Below and E-Mail your Headshot, Resume, Reel (if you have one), and Your Available DAY for Auditions. DO NOT apply if you cannot make rehearsals. DO NOT apply if you cannot make the three hours for auditions. There are over 30 Roles, a few of which have already been cast;
But first the plot:
The PLOT revolves around a group of good girls led by Seashell, a Castilian Inventor and Sailor. They are trying to stop Rusty BcBallion, who leads in the bad guys' attempts at using a machine that will destroy racism, forever. Because, if the machine is used it may make everyone really warm to one another, which may cause global warming.
CAST ("Filled" means Already Cast, but it's here to help you understand the characters better):
Seashell - Castilian Leader of The Super Girl Squad (SGS); Filled
Shelly - Best Friend of Seashell's, new to it all; Filled.
Frank - Idiot, Suicidal Scientist
Brain in Jar - Wise-Ass; Filled.
7 Tiny Soldiers - Speaking Parts, but not lead. They have two fantastic moments in the film.
Rachelle - Girlfriend of Garlandiosio, head not screwed on so tight, a leader of sorts, in Seashell's Squad.
Tree in Corner - a voice of reason, such as the brain-in-jar, but a little immature; Filled.
Michelle - Total bad-ass second in command of The SGS; short bob of dark hair; well-kept.
Dog Monster - Ex-Student of Seashell, gone made, loves milk.
Rusty BcBallion - The Main Bad Guy; a shadow of a man; must have that voice to fit; rarely seen is his face; must be at least 6'4.
Old Man/Bartender - Father of Speece, killed gruesomely, very much a bit part.
Speece - Rusty's Companion, a total bitch, dirty-blonde hair.
Jargonaut - A hired gun here to help; Filled.
Queen Maritime - Ex-Compatriot of The SGS, now a bad girl, amazingly formal, though completely vain; black hair.
Seleptar - An assassin and master of disguise hired by the Queen, way cool.
Zing-Tao - Oriental suitor and friend of Varsteekurfintin and Valruse, lives in the desert, the quickest of the three.
Varsteekurfintin - Indian suitor and friend of Zing-Tao and Valruse; can read time through fire like a crystal ball, such as the other two.
Valruse - African suitor and friend of Varsteekurfintin and Zing-Tao, the strongest of the three.
Tall Plant - a voice in charge of the plants, deep, booming.
The Vine of Truth - a voice of what may be and capable of turning plants into people, more of a sweet voice.
Plant A, D, G & B - All dumb as can be, love to love, very bit part.
Two Dungeon Guards - Bit parts, but BIG, STOCKY, more than a few scenes.
Plantini - Ex-Plant, Blonde; Filled.
Leavesali - Ex-Plant, Hispanic, see Oak (below) for More Information.
Oak - Ex-Plant, African-American, like the other two above, she is easily confused but all three are new members of The SGS.
Mayor - Big, Fat, Broad-Smiled, High-In- Pitched-Voice-Resonance, the Mayor of Cloud City.
Brooklyn - Lives on the docks, hates life, piercings in face.
Caitlyn - Also lives on the docks, also has piercings.
Marilyn - Same as the other two Lyn's above, all are gothy and have each a different speech pattern, difficult to describe, but all three a blast to play, all newly dragged into being a part of The SGS.
Man on Boat to Die - The smallest part in the film, simply gets his neck broken.
E-Mail your stuff (questions if needed), and we'll get you your Sides, promptly. You may ask for as many roles as you like. Auditions will run simultaneously with all. Thank you!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Local Short Film Needs Vietnamese Actors (Inner Southeast)
Hello Portland!
I'm a local filmmaker currently in the fundraising process for a short film project that we are intending to shoot this summer. At the moment we are casting for two roles for a scene from the film that will be used as proof of concept and promotional material for fundraising.
The story revolves around a series of seemingly random, strangely anxious, and, at times, comical encounters between estranged Vietnamese-American brothers whose curious relationship is slowly revealed backwards in time. The inverted chronological structure will be interwoven with a style of lyrical, stream-of-consciousness "documentary" filmmaking that is largely inspired by Chris Marker's Sans Soleil.
This bricolage of images is the interstitial space between their encounters and, together with the narrative, the film will be a unique amalgamation of dramatization and documentation that obscures the lines between fact and fiction.
25-35 year old Vietnamese male of average build. Having been raised in the US since early childhood, English is his primary language. However, he can speak Vietnamese at a grade school level. Michael is a business professional with a contrived comportment of control and intentionality. He at one time pursued creative writing educationally and professionally. His current life is an unhinging repression of his instinctive artistic desires, a troubled past, and self-ambivalence.
30-40 year old Vietnamese male with a stocky build. Khanh is a Vietnamese immigrant who comes to the US in his 30's with a small family comprised of his mother, father, and a younger brother. As he tries to reconcile his vision of the American Dream with a less than hospitable reality, his chronic addictions, born of Third World strife, is hyper-exacerbated into alienating and uncontrollable mental illnesses. Towards the end of the chronology of events, he exhibits aggressive signs of Tourette syndrome and drug addiction coupled with possible schizophrenia. MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK VIETNAMESE MODERATELY WELL AND BE ABLE TO DO A VIETNAMESE ACCENT IF THERE IS NOT ALREADY ONE NATURALLY.
Please visit us at
Wednesday, 11/30
Thursday, 12/1
WHERE: Inner Southeast Portland
COMPENSATION: There is no monetary compensation but you will be fed well, receive a copy for your reel, and be strongly considered for the role when the film is to be shot for real at which time there will be pay for your work.
Please email headshot and resume to Vu Pham for more information and/or consideration. Thank you for reading and hope to see you at the audition!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
NBC TV Show "Grimm" Needs Extras! (Portland Oregon)
Top NBC tv show "Grimm" is looking for new faces for daily work as extras on the show!
We shoot the show HERE in Portland Oregon and the surrounding areas until December 15. We love new faces
and would love to have you on the show! You can watch aired episodes every night at 9 pm on NBC, hulu, or
Perks of being an Extra on Grimm:
*PAID hourly, plus meals
* ALL TYPES of people needed! ALL ages! ALL body types! ALL ethnicities! All STYLES!
*We often need people to bring their DOGS on set! You get a bonus when we need to hire you and your dog!
*We often need cars on set that are NOT white or red! Every other color, year, model is needed often. You get a bonus when we hire you and your car!
*We LOVE to represent the local Portland community and would love to hire YOU! Even if you have no experience, it's ok! We still need
good dependable people. (MUST be prompt, stay entire shoot day, and bring government issued ID to be eligible to work. )
*You get to see a major TV show up close and see behind the scenes!
We hope to hear from you TODAY!
Leandra Collier
Extras Casting Coordinator
NBC "Grimm"
Reply to: Please email with a blank email. You'll get an automatic response and all you have to do is answer the questions and send it to the right email address!
Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Monday, November 14, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
NBC TV Show "Grimm" Needs Extras! (Portland Oregon)
Top NBC tv show "Grimm" is looking for new faces for daily work as extras on the show!
We shoot the show HERE in Portland Oregon and the surrounding areas until December 15. We love new faces
and would love to have you on the show! You can watch aired episodes every night at 9 pm on NBC, hulu, or
Perks of being an Extra on Grimm:
*PAID hourly, plus meals
* ALL TYPES of people needed! ALL ages! ALL body types! ALL ethnicities! All STYLES!
*We often need people to bring their DOGS on set! You get a bonus when we need to hire you and your dog!
*We often need cars on set that are NOT white or red! Every other color, year, model is needed often. You get a bonus when we hire you and your car!
*We LOVE to represent the local Portland community and would love to hire YOU! Even if you have no experience, it's ok! We still need
good dependable people. (MUST be prompt, stay entire shoot day, and bring government issued ID to be eligible to work. )
*You get to see a major TV show up close and see behind the scenes!
We hope to hear from you TODAY!
Leandra Collier
Extras Casting Coordinator
NBC "Grimm"
Reply to: Please email with a blank email. You'll get an automatic response and all you have to do is answer the questions and send it to the right email address!
Source: Craigslist
Paid. Female model needed for a headshot/beauty studio shoot.
I need a female model for a short head shot/beauty style testing shoot. It will be about one to two hours studio shoot. You can bring your own makeup artist or use mine for an extra fee. I can pay $15.00 per hour or trade the 10 high resolution retouched image files. If interested, please send me your recent photos and some idea about your schedule. Thanks.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Female Models/Actresses for Burton Snowboard Web Spot (MT HOOD OR)
Web Spot for
No Pay for talent but Access to footage once spot is released. Great Reel Piece for New models or actresses looking to build their reel.
Female Director. Great friendly crew from LA.
We know it sucks there is no rate. But I model myself and can guarantee the girls will be treated very well.
House party scene. Girls will be Dancing. Cheering drinks. Hanging out, taking photos. Fun Ski Chalet party.
Wardrobe and hair and MU will be provided. We may ask girls to bring some sort of key wardrobe pieces like shoes etc.
Its going to be a really fun shoot. In a cool Ski cabin.
It will be shooting Nov 15 in MT HOOD OR. Call times TBA but sometime in the day to early evening.
This is some of my work.
Send me some photos or links to anything you have online! thanks!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
This post contains auditions posted on Saturday, November 12, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Oregon Children’s Theatre Auditions - The Storm in the Barn
Oregon Children's Theatre is holding auditions by appointment on December 2nd and 3rd for adult and youth actors for the upcoming production of "The Storm in the Barn" by Eric Coble, a new stage adaptation of the graphic novel of the same name by Matt Phelan, set in Dust Bowl stricken Kansas in the 1930s. Original music composed by Black Prairie.
Most roles will require actors also proficient in one or more of the following instruments: Guitar, Violin, Mandolin, Bass, Percussion, Accordion, or Banjo.
-Please come prepared to perform 2 minute monologue.
-Actors who play instruments should also be prepared with a 2 minute piece of appropriate music.
-All performers should be prepared for cold readings from the script.
Roles available:
Jack (a boy of around 11)
Ernie (40's or above)*
Pa (40's)*
Dorothy (a girl of around 14)*
Ray (teens)*
Frank (teens)*
* Should be able to play one or more instruments from the list above
Rehearsals are Monday-Thursday evenings & Sunday mornings beginning March 12, 2012. Performances run April 28-May 20, 2012. Shows are weekday mornings (9:45 & 11:45am) and weekend afternoons (2pm & 5pm).
Roles are paid and non-Equity.
Kira Lombardozzi
Production Manager
Oregon Children's Theatre
Reply to: For more information or an appointment, call 503.228.9571 or email
Source: PDX Backstage
20 Erotic Shorts: Trois
Four roles, flexible casting.
Age range: 20s-30s
Auditions will be held on Sunday, November 20th, 12:00-3:00pm. Please have a monologue no longer than a minute and be prepared for cold reading and side coaching.
20 Erotic Shorts, Trois!
Funny? Sexy? Strange? Sexy?
Any and all of the above!
The working theatre collective (WTC) presents our third (Trois!) installment of 20 Erotic Shorts-- our Valentine's Day spectacular featuring not two, not thirty, but exactly twenty new erotically themed short short plays from dearest Portland, across the country, and out of this world! Parts for gals, critters, dudes, inanimate, objects., ethereal beings, etc. .
Includes, but not limited to -- homosexual situations, heterosexual situations, all kinds of situations! nuanced observations! moments of astounding immaturity! etc!
This has been a whole lotta crazy sexy cool times these past couple years, looking forward to meeting y'all!
Four actors, no nudity. probably short shorts.
Performance dates are Feb 9-11th, and the 14th. Rehearsals to start early Jan (post holiday madness). There will be a small stipend for those involved.
Reply to: Please email if you have questions and to set up an audition time.
Source: PDX Backstage
Auditions for Image Theatre
Imago Theatre is holding auditions for comedic actors and comedians between the ages of 18 and 45. The auditions will take place on Nov 30 at 6PM at 17 SE 8th Avenue.
To audition arrive at 6PM on Nov 30 and allow 90 minutes. Actors will be seen in groups. Prepare a one-minute piece (no more than a minute please) of either a stand-up monologue or a comedic monologue, silent pieces are also accepted. If you don’t have a prepared piece, no big deal, come in and will give you a short improvisation to perform.
Bring photo and resume. If you don’t have a headshot any photo will do. If you don’t have a resume, write up a short bio.
The production is an original show that will open in mid 2012. Compensation is to be determined. Open to equity and non-equity actors.
If you have auditioned for Imago in the last 12 months, or have been cast in an Imago show in the last 2 years you do not need to audition as you are already under consideration.
Reply to: For more information email:
Source: PDX Backstage
Actresses needed for documentary (McMinnville, OR)
Shooting a documentary on the subject of the world of psychics and ESP. Need two fun pretty energetic ladies (ages between 18 thru 30) comfortable on camera to act as subjects to sit at a table and participate with a mind reader/mentalist. No rehearsed lines required. Just participate in the mind reading experiments with good expressions of laughter and amazement multiple times as we may need to repeat many times. I will need you to be entertained, amazed, and hang on the mind readers every word as if it is the coolest thing you've ever seen - even if we have to have you be amazed at nothing.
Shoot will take approximately 2-4 hours.
Pay is $100 for the day.
To be Shot in studio in McMinnville, Oregon.
Shoot date to be determined but probably during the first couple weeks of December.
No 'professiona'l experience required.
Please send head shots, resume or contact info, and links to any clips of video in which you have participated.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Chinese, Latino, Afr American families needed $1500/ day (NE Portland )
We are looking for families for a phone ad.
Rate $1500/day adults $1000/day kids
Shoot dates: Dec 3, 4, & 5th 3rd+4th are a weekend. 5th is a Monday.
FAMILY 3 -- EXTENDED FAMILY, SINGLE MOM w/ two kids and grandparents -- Any ethnicity for the family -- Afr American, Latino, Chinese,
SINGLE MOM (25-45)
GRANDMA (45-75)
FAMILY 2 - CHINESE (must be 100% Chinese preferably -- this is for Chinese market)
Dad (25-45)
Mom (25-45)
Son (6-13)
Please submit photos for consideration. Please feel free to contact me with any questions and I will provide more details.
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Source: Craigslist
Actress Wanted - comedy short
Looking for an actress to help shoot a short comedic/mocumentary-style short film, dabbling with the concept of cheating on tests for school. The concept of the piece chronicles the idea of students playing footsie as the "new craze" for cheating or sharing answers on school exams. The overall concept and subject matter will make for fantastic parody and absurdity. I am looking for someone in the age range of roughly 20 years (obviously someone who doesn't look older than college age). No experience necessary.
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Source: Craigslist