This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Auditions for R&H Cinderella (Columbia Theatre Longview, WA)
Columbia Theatre Association is pleased to announce auditions for the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Cinderella to be performed at the Columbia Theatre for four performances on February 16, 17, 18 (matinee/evening), and 19, 2012.
Ron Daum of Portland will direct.
For audition information call the Columbia Theatre at 360.575.8499.
Auditions will take place on Sunday, December 11th from 1-3 p.m. at the Columbia Theatre 1231 Vandercook Way in Longview. Music rehearsals will begin in December.
1. Auditionees should be familiar with the show.
2. They should bring their own sheet music and prepare a classic Broadway (no contemporary Sondheim, Lloyd Webber Rent etc), fairy tale (Disney?), or Rodgers & Hammerstein selection
3. Audition material should be memorized and music should be sung in the correct key;
4. No Accapella singing or singing to taped musi. An accompanist will be provided.
Auditionees may be asked to read from the script or sing something from the score at the audition.
Cinderella Lovely, unassuming dreamer (soprano)
Prince (Christopher) Charming and a bit shy (baritenor)
Fairy Godmother Ageless, scatterbrained, sweet but a bit feisty (character mezzo)
Queen (Constantina) wise and kind but strong (mezzo)
King (Maximillian) character actor w/ good comic timing (character Baritone)
Stepsisters (Joy and Portia) Clumsy, selfish, sour, dim and foolish, (Mezzo/Tenor)
Stepmother (Beulah) Opportunistic and scheming, a harridan
The Shadows (6) (various roles will be drawn from this group including Chef, Stewart, Tailor, Herald, Townspeople, Ballroom Dancers, Cinderella's Entourage and coach) all should move very well and have strong improv and physical skills.
All Roles require singing and some movement.
We will be considering both Men and Women for the roles of The Shadows, Stepmother and Stepsisters
There are no roles available for Children in this production
All Ethnics considered
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Open Casting Call for Verizon Wireless (Portland)
SEEKING: MALE 30 - 40 yrs old
ANIMAL SURVIVALIST - charismatic, rugged, and resourceful guy. A man's man. Needs to have the capabilities of popular animal survivalists. Needs to be comfortable in a variety of extreme environments and situations with animals, weather, etc. and physically must be capable of performing these tasks. He must have his own personality and a unique presence.
*If you or anyone you know is interested please email us immediately*
Include: Name, Contact Info, Recent Photo, Referred by & Why you're the guy!
Compensation: $1000 minimum + residuals
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Extras Only is looking for the following person to do a VOICE OVER for a NIKE WEB VIDEO.
Male - native Portuguese speaker who can speak basic English but still has a very strong natural accent.
Ideally (but not required), someone who learned English in the UK - think Cristiano Ronaldo.
The pay is $300 and the shoot is ASAP (ideally within the next couple days).
If you fit the above description please e-mail the following info to ASAP:
RECENT PHOTO (if possible)
Thank you! This is an open casting call so please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested.
Reply to:
Source: Extras Only
Seeking Female Musical Theater Performer (SE Portland)
Fertile Ground Theater Festival Musical "One Day" seeks female performer aged 11-16 to join small, ensemble cast of young professionals.
The role "Christine" has two featured solos. Performer should be confident, on-pitch singer. At the Village Free School on SE Foster near I-205. Rehearsals: Jan 2, 4, 6, 8, 11,
13, 15, 18. Performances: Jan 20, 21, 28 & 29. This show pays $50.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Female voice over talent needed (Portland)
Intelligent female voice over talent needed for 7-10 min product marketing video.
If you're interested, please email us your materials (and questions you may have), and we'll reply promptly. Thank you!
Compensation: Negotiable.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Final Casting Call - Verlosser (Portland, OR)
Title: Verlosser
Union: Non-Union
Category: Independent Short Film
Director: Dustin Stratton
Production Location: Pendleton, OR
Audition Location: 2837 SE Colt Dr, Portland OR 97202
Compensation: Yes (Discussed at Audition)
A wounded prince and a doomed warrior must fight their way back to the castle against an unnamed force.
Prince Sebastian has foolishly led a small detachment of his father's army into a slaughter against an enemy with no name where he alone is the survivor. Knowing
his son was to make a grave mistake the king summoned his greatest warrior Krieger, winner of countless battles for the kingdom, to aid in the battle and save Sebastian. But when Krieger arrives he finds that the king has been assassinated. Now he not only needs to bring back Sebastian as the kings last wish, he must bring back the new king.
- Profile photo
- Resume
- Respond to the above email
Auditions: Saturday December 10th. 12 - 2pm.
Call Backs: TBD
Shoot Dates: February 17th - 20th 2012
Krieger - M 30 -- 40 -- Hero/Warrior - Lead
The king's most trusted and skilled warrior. Winner of countless battles. Fierce. Loyalty, Duty, Honor
Athletic build a must.
Assassin -- F 25 - 35 - Antagonist -- Supporting
Non-Speaking. She is a skilled assassin, quiet, stealthy. She works for whomever is controlling the Creatures.
Athletic build/Good battle cry
Upstairs Dance Studio at Wimbledon Square Apartments
2837 SE Colt Dr, Portland OR 97202
Search address above or click on super long link below.,+Portland+OR+97202&fb=1&gl=us&hnear=Portland,+OR&cid=0,0,15852297410886666789&z=16
NOTE: Plenty of Free Parking on the streets. DO NOT park in any Wimbledon Square lots or you WILL BE TOWED. If Colt Street is packed, turn back to SE 28th, take a Right and an immediate left onto SE Raymond Street. There is always plenty of free parking down that street as well.
OK now you are looking for the Wimbledon Square Leasing Office (on SE Colt). Follow the leasing office signs and balloons back, to the left of the pool and up the stairs. Enter the leasing office and through the back office doors, then up the stairs to the dance studio opposite the Gym. Staff in the Office will be aware of the casting call and will gladly direct you up to us.
IF YOU GET LOST. Please call the Assistant Director's (Ian Stout) cell phone (530) 318 5778 (again that's area code 530. Easy mix up with Portland's area code.) or the director (Dustin Stratton) 541-379-0396.
Someone will answer the call and guide you in!
Reply to:

Small Bald Actor Needed (Downtown)
We are currently looking for a small, bald actor in his thirties to forties who is capable of affecting a timid, uncertain demeanor for a character in a feature film that will be shot this February.
Please email a headshot and resume.
Thank you.
Compensation: Actors will be paid according to his or her time investment.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Small Role in Indie Film (Battle Ground, WA)
First of all it needs to be stated that this is NOT a paying job. It will be something, however, that you will be able to put on your reel.
I need actors with open schedules in the area of January - March. That is when we will be doing all of the production.
This is my final project for my second year of college.
Brief Summary:
Ultimate is a film of quirky humor and inspiration. It starts off with a young man Isaac, just starting his senior year of high school. Through his years at school he has never fit in. The coach for the school's ultimate Frisbee team holds open tryouts in an attempt to resurrect a dying sport. With Isaac's tragic and mysterious background in the sport he is apprehensive to start up again. The coach convinces him to join and his rise to popularity begins.
The movie would be a cinematic sports movie. It would be a comedy that makes fun of sports movies. It would be nothing anywhere close to the Comebacks or any sort of scary movie type thing. It would have an incredibly dry sense of humor. So much so, that if people didn't understand the movie, they would think it is a generic serious sports movie. The comedy would come from the appearance of being serious but not being serious in the slightest.
I have a full Executive Summary that I can email you if you are interested.
Rolls needed to be filled:
First and most pressing is the Principal. I would prefer a skinny, black woman in her 40's-50's
however, I am pretty open to anyone who is interested in this role. This position, however, does require for you to be at least 30 years old
I need a jock looking male as well as a timid cute girl. both around 16-20
Literally anyone 15-20 years old. Any gender, race, or anything else you could think of. I just need people to fill a school hallway and people to be on the Ultimate Frisbee Team.
If you fit into any of these categories and are interested even in the slightest, please email me. For the bigger roles I will hold tryouts (chances are though that I will pick you if you are truly interested)
For the extras, pretty much if you want the job, you got it! Just email me stating your interest.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Auditions for Voices of Our Elders
Hello All! Well Arts is holding auditions for two back-to-back productions. Both are from our Voices of Our Elders workshops. Voices of Our Elders is an on-going writing-for-theatre drop in workshop at Hollywood Senior Center designed to encourage and expand elder voices in our local culture! The show from our Hollywood Senior Center workshop is called “A Dose of Reality”. The show from our Friendly House Workshop is called “We Are Still Here”!
Audition Location: Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Avenue
Audition Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Audition Date: December 29th, 20011
Bring: Headshot and Resume
These will be cold readings of the script.
Payment: $50
Show Dates:
“A Dose of Reality performs Feb 3,4,10,11 Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 3pm.
“We Are Still Here” performs Feb 17, 18, 24, 25 Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 3pm
Show Location: Both shows will be performed at Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Avenue
Rehearsal Period: Each show will have 5-6 rehearsals
Well Arts Institute is a ten year old 501(c) 3 arts-in-healthcare nonprofit that facilitates writing workshops for people facing life altering health issues, then pairs them with professional actors who perform their stories on stage for the general community.
To see a google map for the Hollywood Senior Center:,+Portland+Oregon+97212&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.748002,55.810547&vpsrc=0&hnear=1820+NE+40th+Ave,+Portland,+Oregon+97212&t=m&z=16
Reply to: To sign up for a timeslot, email, or call 503.459.4500.
Source: PDX Backstage
AUDITIONS for NW Film Center Thesis Project!
HEART is an experimental-narrative about the Kierkowzki brothers' struggle with adult coping and learning how to let themselves live.
Project will be under 20 minutes, shot on color 16MM film!
Lead Role
JONAS KIERKOWZKI: 27 - 35 year old male, average build. Jonas relies on minimalism in every facet of his life. His minimalism serves as a means to quell the guilt and terror he inflicts on himself as a result of witnessing his brother's childhood death.
Lead Role
KEVIN KIERKOWZKI: 27 - 35 year old male, average build, wild eyes. World-renowned astrophysicist, Kevin balances his time between new discoveries within the multiverse and making the existential choice to die.
Supporting Role
BENJAMIN WALTERS: 25 - 30 year old male, average build, bookish. A grant writer for the conservation of wild spaces. Having dated Kevin for some time, it became clear that Jonas would benefit from inclusion in the romantic relationship. While not conventional, their relationship with Ben provides the most stability in the lives of the brothers.
Minor Role
EVELYN KIERKOWZKI: 50 - 60 year old woman. Mother of the Kierkowzki boys, Evelyn is the salt of the Earth.
Minor Role
MISHTA: 25 year old East Indian woman. Nurse.
Minor Role
DR. AZZOUZ: 45 - 50 year old Middle Eastern man or woman. Doctor. The salt of the Earth.
Minor Role
NARRATOR: 30 - 40 year old man. Firm, neutral voice - similar to Alec Baldwin.
This is a "no-budget" film production, so NO monetary compensation can be offered. Actors will be well fed, get the experience of a small, organized shoot and have the opportunity to use the film on their reel.
Production will occur in Spring 2012. No acting experience required; prepare for extensive, sometimes unconventional rehearsing.
Please be prepared to bring a resume with photo, and monologue to perform. Auditions will be videotaped. They will be held at:
Location: NW Film Center 934 SW Salmon St, Portland, OR
Dates: Thursday, December 15th 12pm - 5pm
Sunday, December 18th 12pm - 4:30pm
Reply to: Please send an email with resume and photos to to schedule an audition time.
Source: PDX Backstage
Wait Until Dark Auditions at Love Street Playhouse
What: "Wait Until Dark" AUDITIONS
Thriller Play by Frederick Knott. Directed by David Roberts
When: Monday January 2, 2012 7:00-9:30pm
Where Love Street Playhouse
126 Loves Ave
Woodland, WA 98674
Volunteer - No Pay
Cold Readings from Script
No monologues or prepared pieces.
No appointment needed. Arrive a little before 7:00pm
What to bring:
Bring headshot (non-professional is fine )
Personal Calendar (check for date conflicts )
Theater Resume (optional )
You will fill out a short informational sheet upon arrival
Please research play on internet, read it or watch the movie to get an idea
if possible
Plan on staying for entire block of time, unless pre-arranged
Roles Available (ages are for 'able to portray' and are not absolute )
Roat (calculating, suave, intense & sociopathetic) Age 30-45
Carlino (thick, aggressive man of action, con artist, bigger guy preferred)
Age 25-45
Mike (slick, sweet talking con artist) Age 25-45
Sam (husband to Susy) Age 27-35
Gloria (precocious next door neighbor kid) Age 8-10
2 Police Officers (Either Sex) Age 20+
The role of Susy is pre-cast
Mid January - March (3-4 days per week depending on role)
Evenings and some Saturdays
Performances 4 weekends in March (Fri Eve/Sat Eve/Sunday Matinee), and
possible Thursday Eve.
Reply to: Do not email headshot/resumes. Bring to audition. If you have questions, email
Source: PDX Backstage
ADDITIONAL AUDITIONS: 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
We've seen some truly wonderful performers this week, and are still
casting for roles. We particularly invite and encourage men to
audition. HELP! IT'S NOT RAINING MEN! (Ok I just threw that in). Men
interested in this show are strongly encouraged to audition.
Auditions extended to this Wednesday, December 7, at 6:00 pm at Decker
Theatre, Clark College. This is an open call; appointment not
Here are the details; hope to see you this Wednesday!
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Music and Lyrics by William Finn
Book by Rachel Sheinkin
Directed by H.Gene Biby
Vocal Direction by Eryn Vercammen
Choreography by Lisamarie Harrison
Please prepare a song and bring sheet music. An accompanist will be
provided. Please no a cappella or CD music. There will be dance
auditions at the end of the scheduled auditions, so please be prepared
to stay and be dressed to dance.
Show opens on February 24, 2012, and runs Feb 24 & 25; March 2, & *3;
and March 8, 9, & 10. (*2 shows on the 3rd)
All rehearsals will be in Decker Theater located in the Frost Arts Center.
We may also be casting a few people for chorus members
Character Breakdown
Chip Tolentino
A boy scout and champion of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Putnam County
Spelling Bee, he returns to defend his title, but he finds puberty
hitting at an inopportune moment.
C3 - B4 Tenor
Douglas Panch
The Vice Principle. After five years' absence from the Bee, Panch
returns as judge. There was an "incident" at the Twentieth Annual Bee,
but he claims to be in "a better place" now, thanks to a high-fiber
diet and Jungian analysis. He is infatuated with Rona Lisa Peretti,
but she does not return his affections.
Leaf Coneybear
The second runner-up in his district, Leaf gets into the competition
on a lark: the winner and first runner-up had to go to the winner's
Bat Mitzvah. Leaf comes from a large family of former hippies and
makes his own clothes. He spells words correctly while in a trance.
A2 - G4 Baritone or Tenor
Logainne Schwartzandgrunenierre (Schwartzy)
Logainne is the youngest and most politically aware speller, often
making comments about current political figures, with two overbearing
homosexual fathers. She is somewhat of a neat freak, speaks with a
lisp, and will be back next year.
C4 - D5 Soprano
Marcy Park
A recent transfer from Virginia, Marcy placed ninth in last year's
nationals. She speaks six languages, is a member of all-American
hockey, a championship rugby player, plays Chopin and Mozart on
multiple instruments.
B3 - E5 Soprano/Mezzo-Soprano
Mitch Mahoney
The Official Comfort Counselor. An ex-convict, Mitch is performing his
community service with the Bee, and hands out juice boxes to losing
E3 - A4 (B4) Tenor
Olive Ostrovsky
A young newcomer to competitive spelling. Her mother is in an ashram
in India, and her father is working late, as usual, but he is trying
to come sometime during the bee. She made friends with her dictionary
at a very young age, helping her to make it to the competition.
B3 - F#5 Soprano
Rona Lisa Peretti
The number-one realtor in Putnam County, a former Putnam County
Spelling Bee Champion herself, and returning moderator. She is a sweet
woman who loves children, but she can be very stern when it comes to
dealing with Vice Principal Panch
C#4 - Ab5 Soprano
William Barfee
A Putnam County Spelling Bee finalist last year, he was eliminated
because of an allergic reaction to peanuts. His famous "Magic Foot"
method of spelling has boosted him to spelling glory, even though he
only has one working nostril and a touchy personality. He has an
often-mispronounced last name: it is Bar-FAY, not BARF-ee ("there's an
accent aigu," he explains with some hostility). He develops a crush on
Eb3-Bb4 Tenor
There is no pay for this production.
Reply to:
Source: PDX Backstage
Serendipity Players announces auditions for our Spring and Summer productions!
Serendipity Players is actively seeking diversity in all areas of our productions. In particular, we are seeking Spanish-speaking acting talent and a male lead in a wheelchair for our June show "Tender Lies," by Nancy P. Gilsenan. We are also seeking American Sign Language interpreters to provide interpretation for one performance of each show at a reduced rate of pay.
DATES: December 10 & 11 (Sat, Sun)
TIME: 1-3 PM
LOCATION: Vancouver Community Library
4th Floor, Skamania Room
901 C Street
Vancouver, WA 98660
"Happy Anniversary" by Gary Corbin
Robert - 30's, confident, sarcastic, not trustworthy
Beth - 30's, smart, hurt by their divorce, becomes more confident in the course of the play
Anton - 40's or older, waiter at the restaurant where the play takes place, comments verbally and non-verbally throughout
We'll need a couple of stagehands that are comfortable being in front of the audience, interacting a bit with Anton. Age and gender non-specific.
Rehearsals will begin the week of January 9. The show will run Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, March 2-25
Also reading for three roles in:
"Tender Lies," by Nancy P. Gilsenan
Arlo - 50's, good listener, friendly, in a wheelchair
Isabel - 21, guarded, sometimes bitter, artistic
Mrs. Galarza - 50's, Isabel's mother, gregarious, drinks
Isabel and Mrs. Galarza are from Mexico and speak Spanish. Preference for the part of Arlo will be given to actors in wheelchairs.
We'll be holding auditions for the rest of the play in March. Rehearsals are scheduled to begin the week of April 9. The show will run Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, June 1-24
You don't need to schedule an audition time and you only need to be there on one of the days. If you can't be at one of these, we can try to schedule another time. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the scripts; no monologues are required. Headshots and resumes are welcome but not required.
A quick note about the ages listed: if you are older or younger than the age listed, but can play the age noted, please audition. These are guidelines; they aren't set in stone.
We intend to pay a small stipend to cast and crew.
Serendipity Players is actively seeking diversity in all areas of our productions.
Reply to: If you have any questions, please contact Tony at or 971-563-3661
Source: PDX Backstage